Dan Laubach

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since Jul 16, 2024
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Recent posts by Dan Laubach

Just sharing something I did recently and am proud of, while also looking for some advice or ideas.
Here's a video I made of a pawpaw and Hazelnut hedgerow I just planted at my house. Pawpaws are planted in a row (spaced about 10ft apart). And then hazelnuts are planted densely in a row that's about 5ft to the Northeast of the pawpaws.

Has anyone created an edible hedgerow like this before? Any suggestions of other plants (understory, vine, shrub,) that I could add to this system for diversity and more food?

Any suggestions on people's top 5-7 pawpaw varieties to graft onto these trees? I'd love a row of trees that produce a diversity of named pawpaws. Some to sell, some for seed saving, and a bunch for eating and freezing. And also just to have access to some cool named varieties and compare and contrast them.
4 months ago
Ok great! This is encouraging. Any problems keeping the rootstock from sprouting or getting mixed up with the graft? And I guess after I've gotten a few grafts to root I could create a horizontal bed with those and have no root stock to worry about.
7 months ago
I'm thinking through how to propegate grafted select varieties of trees. Grafting is cool, but it doesn't bring new trees into the world, just put one trees' genetics on top of another trees roots. So how can I take a select variety of tree and actually multiply it.

I'm thinking about creating a stool bed with a grafted tree. Specifically paw paw. What if I took a grafted paw paw tree, laid it down on top of the soil, mounded soil around it's roots (so the tree is planted horizontally). Then as it sends shoots up (from the graft) in the spring mound sawdust around those shoots. I'm imagining this would great a productive stool bed where I can dig up the shoots in the fall and they will each have their own root. So I would have created a handful of new paw paw trees that are select varieties but on their own root systems.

Any thoughts? Anyone try something like this?
I've attached a screenshot from Akiva Silver's book to highlight what I'm thinking. He suggested doing something like this as a way of propagating root stock. But Im wondering if it can be done to propegate the graft.

The only thing I feel like is worth paying attention to is making sure the rootstock doesn't send up shoots. I wouldn't want those shoots to mix in with the select variety shoots.
7 months ago