Rusty Ford

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since Aug 23, 2024
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Also, it's important to not bypass the electrical board inside your charger. It reads the batteries and stops applying voltage at the appropriate time. I'm sure you know this, but I couldn't just leave it out here without saying it.
1 week ago
You'll need a DC Step up converter to make that swap, and you'll have to intercept the line of your charger post inverter. If you have a box looking object at the plug end(inverter), then you can intercept the wires coming out of it, but most chargers now days have the inverter inside the body of the charging block, and you'll need to take it apart to access the wires downstream of the inverter. Be sure to check rated amperages and wire inline the appropriate fuses to protect your charger/batteries. You can get the step up converters on amazon for a reasonable price, or you can go back to 1990 and walk into any radio shack in the country. Best of luck and keep us updated on how things turn out.
1 week ago
My grandfather's land in the mountains of NC is Covered in Black locust. The trees seem to die off when they get old, but they seldom fall, so we call them standing wood piles. They are not terrible to split, especially if its real cold out, but they are very hard on blades, and have a propensity to check and warp, making them a poor choice for lumber compared to some other species. They make great posts, and of course are fantastic firewood. Here's one of our piles up there from this past summer. The layer you are looking at is the 4th later depth wise. We can normally go 5 before blocking the light.
1 week ago
A small computer fan mounted high in the cabinet and the air supply from down low with a 40-60 watt INCANDESCENT light bulb mounted inside near the bottom should supply enough airflow and just a little bit of warmth to knock the humidity down, without becoming a heater in your living space. I'm not sure about catching the water, maybe you are expecting more moisture than I would traditionally expect. If this is done in a living space that is conditioned, the humidity will be pretty low to begin with. If it's done in an unconditioned space, I would suspect that the light bulb will generate enough heat to cut it down inside the cabinet.
1 week ago
i use it when wet tumbling pistol and rifle brass. Makes them come out shinier than when new! Only takes one drink bottle cap full to 5 gallons of water.
2 weeks ago

Judith Browning wrote:We're at 1-3 dishes also and a 4th for a rare dessert.
Our big meal is lunch though, no dinner/supper here, just a mid afternoon snack.

Some use the word dinner as either supper or lunch though? I think?

In the south anyway, if your grandma says come over for Sunday Dinner, she means come eat at noon when church lets out. So growing up it was always dinner at mid day and then supper in the evening. I find myself using both dinner and supper for the evening meal now that I'm older.
2 weeks ago
I have a hard time imagining just one all the time, or multiple all the time. A bowl of potato soup might be the entire meal in itself, but grilled chicken or pork chops needs a side and (if I have my way) some type of bread to go along with it. Biscuits or non-sweet white cornbread preferred.
2 weeks ago
When my wife and I got married i asked her to pick up some "loafa bread". After her having me repeat it about ten times, and her finishing laughing at me, she informed me that it was a "loaf of bread". I had only heard it spoke in my mommas southern draw for the first twenty years of my life.
2 weeks ago
in a previous life, I did a mountain of woodworking all by hand. Check out the first episode in season 17 of the Woodwright's Shop. That is the one I chose to build. Roy also has a few other episodes over the years that have some different shave horse designs. I'm too lazy to look right now but there's one called "the crotch horse" or something similar where he uses the crotch of a tree to make one. Don't get burdened down with design or measurements, they are simple machines that just use leverage. You'll want to remake yours after you've used it for a couple dozen hours because you'll have ideas of things that will make it better for your particular use.
3 weeks ago
If it was me, I would run the feed between the well and the hot water heater through your masonry heater in a place where it would pick up plenty of heat, but not enough to boil. A copper coil perhaps with a branched off pressure relief valve if you are worried about it, but not needed if designed and placed correctly. William is right that there is no free lunch. It'll cost you energy somewhere to heat this water up.
3 weeks ago