El Ness

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since Aug 29, 2024
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Laurenthia Russell-Pinkham wrote:Would you be interested in coming to Whidbey Island, WA?

Potentially. Could you message me more info?
4 months ago

Jay Mansel wrote:Same here.  I've been trying to collect like minded people to have a self sufficient little community for 10 years.  I've gone through loads of people.  Many of them pure nightmares.  1 guy moved here with his family, and it was going pretty well for a bit then he had some sort of mental break down, and hates me.  At first I kept trying to figure out what I'd done wrong.  ...until one of my neighbors was complaining about the guy, and that he doesn't get along with anyone.  
2 other people have moved here, and I don't currently speak with either of them.

Things are going pretty well at my place, but building a community might be a failed dream.  There are some decent people already living in the area, though, so that's pretty cool.  just.... not really self sufficient types.

Sorry I just figured out how to reply.

You’re right, this lifestyle attracts vagrants and other unstable people who use this lifestyle as a means of escapism from their pre existing neuroses and other murky stuff going on in their psyche. They don’t know how to function in any society, they just think that running away and role-playing as pioneers will mask that.

For me it’s always been about presence. I want to live away from modern society not because I cannot function in it, I do pretty ok.. but because it’s just not conducive the our spiritual and mental well-being.
4 months ago
I’ve been thinking of something similar. How old are your kids? How many?
4 months ago
36, female, single, looking to build a mostly self-sustaining community. Currently doing it alone which is not the easiest to do. I am not necessarily looking for a relationship (I’ve never been on a dating app)…  but I am open to one.

My main intention is to find likeminded people to build a mostly self-sustaining community with. A community doesn’t mean dozens of people… a handful will do. Or maybe just one amazing person.

I currently live in the Midwest with some pet chickens and rabbits, and I’d love to eventually find my forever place… I don’t know where that is though. Definitely open to relocating.
I’m also a homeschooling parent to a 7 year old, and it really pains me that kids nowadays that kids don’t have the ability to go outside and run around with the other village kids… I would love that lifestyle for my child. If you reply with your contact info I will contact you directly.
4 months ago