Ana Chorlito

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since Sep 23, 2024
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Ceramist, forager, I live in an adobe house in the northwest of Spain.
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Recent posts by Ana Chorlito

I just made this recipe that a friend who lives in Italy gave me. It's pickled beans and they're delicious. Soak the beans the night before and cook them in the morning. You can also use already cooked beans. Sauté plenty of onion with a bay leaf until soft, add a small glass of vinegar and chopped parsley, let it cook a little and add the beans, salt and pepper.
2 weeks ago
Oh! That was the alcohol one, it was this other one.
2 weeks ago
Hi Carla, again, I saw this video of an Argentinian cyclist and I thought that maybe it was close to what you want, it is in Spanish but with the subtitles you might be able to understand it (that is how I watch the videos in English
2 weeks ago
I don't know if this type of stove would be suitable for what you want (although I assume you know it).
I made one years ago and I cook in it frequently, four twigs and that's it.
3 weeks ago
I had to put the subtitles in Spanish because I didn't understand what they were saying. It has goat fat and lard, garlic, parsley, cinnamon and pepper and they also add a little oil so it can be kneaded. I find the cinnamon thing curious. And to make it, I don't know if I'll be able to find goat fat, but I can find lard, which is easy to find.
The documentary is from 1997, and I suspect that there is no one left who makes this recipe.
3 weeks ago
Hi permies, I wanted to show you a video on how to prepare some spiced suet balls for the soups that shepherds used to take with them when they walked with their cattle in the mountains. I would like to try making them.
(All of Eugenio Monesma's videos are very interesting and you can learn many useful lessons from them.)
1 month ago
Hypericum perforatum oil is good for bruises.
1 month ago
Hello, I have done a search on PlantNet and it could be Fagopyrum esculentum.
PlantNet is a plant identification app that works very well.
2 months ago
A few months ago I bought a Vietnamese coffee maker, it is metal, without plastic or paper filters, it is a drip coffee maker and I am very happy with it.
2 months ago
Well, you can buy the soles and make them yourself ,
3 months ago