Jonelle Barnhart

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since Oct 12, 2024
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My name is Jonelle, and I live on one acre in semi-rural Arkansas with my two kids + goats, rabbits, chickens, dog, and cats. I’ve been in this spot 19.5 years, and it’s paid for, so no current interest in relocating.

Goals include producing animal protein, native food/medicine plants, and seasonal fruits/veg, offering community space for classes/events, a farm stand, nursery, and whatever else I come up with. Ultimately, I feel it’s important to demonstrate just how much food (esp animal protein) can produced in small spaces and that life can be richer/more independent without needing a million dollars or a hundred acres.

I love collecting/using/directing rainwater and feeding animals from my yard. And a heads-up, I am much better with a weedeater than a skillet. Lol. I make a decent pizza tho! Currently work from home for a conglomerate, but just paying the bills. Look forward to the day I can grow/sell/host/trade for most of my necessities.

As for what I’m looking for? Friends first! But must have chemistry, as ultimately I’m looking for a like-minded human male with intentions of mingling lives someday, both practically and romantically. In-person interactions are important. So is authenticity and emotional intelligence/availability. I’m atheist and apolitical. Also intensely logical so not prone to getting trapped in daydreams. Not particular about age/ethnicity, as long as the connection is there.

All inquiries welcome >> If you send me a funny story, even better! Aligned humors is an excellent first step!
4 months ago