Wondering if anyone has an idea why my pig(s) died.
So I usually am the one feeding them, but the day before I found him dead, my husband fed them but he doesn't really do a check or head count like I always do. He says he was alive when he fed them, he thinks he would have noticed if he were dead. Anyway, I noticed that this pig seemed to be laying on his side more than usual, and I kinda had to work at making him get up. But throughout the day when I would check, he would be up and walking and acting fine sometimes. I thought he was lying down because I found a pretty deep cut on his thigh, as if someone sliced him with a knife. It wasn't bleeding, never did, it didn't go further than the fat. But then yesterday when I went to feed them, he was dead. Things I noticed: it looked like his underside of the belly was swollen or blown up. He already stank. Not badly, but you could definitely tell he smells. Toward the end of the day when husband came gome to dispose of him, we noticed that there was blood and water coming out of his teats, and mouth, and a bit of foam from his mouth. The thing is, I had a sow die of im pretty sure the exact same thing maybe 1 month before this guy. With her through, we noticed she got skinnier and then one day she was dead. But when I disposed of her, she had the exact smell and liquid coming out from her. Almost as if they started decaying from the inside. I'm not sure if it's normal, or goes that fast, it was always the same day they started smelling, maybe 12 hours later. Both pigs have been together on the pasture, and with other pigs. The other seem to be fine, all seem healthy and normal. But then so did this guy after the sow passed away, he only died about 1 month later. Any ideas what this could be?