gunther Lawrence

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since Nov 25, 2024
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Recent posts by gunther Lawrence

Dear Jennifer

I expected your post to draw a massive crowd. Where are all the Captain America, swooping in and take you too happily ever after. I do not understand. Your very smart, passion-ed about your dream. You look great, have a lot going for you. I believe you will succeed with hard work and determination. Oops I just answered my own question. (Hard work) seams to be a stumbling block.

Jennifer, I am self-employed 35 years and counting, financially secure, in good condition physically and mentally. I spend many years in project management. Strong problem-solving skills. Handyman type, jack of all trades. Work well and safe with others, alone and without supervision. No stranger to hard labour. I sounds like I am applying for a job.  No Jennifer I am going to donate my time to your dream. Sort off paying it forward.  I have a few projects that I need to complete here before I can leave. Could fly out early February, must return by March 20th, I already booked and paid for a trip to Japan on March 25. I am in Zone 3 so January to March year after year I get cabin fever, so I travel a lot. This spring I visited Austria, Italy, France and Monaco. Got some awesome photos, great history there. Before that a few trips to Thailand among other destinations. So, if that works for you, connect with me to work out details. If you are wondering why I waited, I had to make sure I want to do this. Will see how this works out. Perhaps you find a reason to keep me on this continent.

Apologies, I left quite a few blanks to fill in. Well, this is a public forum you understand. A little mystery will keep them coming back to your post to see what will happen. Curiosity is a powerful thing.

3 months ago
Hi Jen

I understand your concern and know the challenge you face. Going off grid attracts also individuals looking for a free ride. One reason I have not opened my place for others to join. Hope things work out for you, keep in touch.

3 months ago
Hello Jen,

Curious what made you buy that land? Are you looking to establish a community there, or just working the land to be self sufficient?
A lot of people dream about going off the grid. Too many articles written on that subject making it sound great and easy. I am off grid for the last 10 years, It was not planned, I just needed a financial brake for a while. It was a struggle to survive the first Winter. Minus 40 C turns propane into a jelly. Not much gas evaporates to keep the furnace supplied at - 40 C.  Within two years I was back on my feet looking to buy another home until I realized this is home, my freedom.
Sorry for the rumbling, just want to say I know what it takes to live off grid. So if you want to chat or If I can help you in any way let me know. Please don't worry I now have a super modified Rocket mass heater so -40 is no longer a problem. lol

3 months ago