i am looking for a new opportunity to live, learn and prosper on a homestead or multiple residence land with a great kitchen with ovens for baking needs, storage for dried herbs and spices and general supplies, counter space, working sink and refrigerator and freezer that work, a bathroom with hot/cold clean water, shower/ bathtub, toilet, a private bedroom and living space for meals, relaxation and craft works. a place for my pup to roam free, explore and be secure for her and myself when we go outdoors together. to live and work with good people that share the abundance of seasonal food or natural resources with family, friends, neighbors and the community, knowledge and practical use with creative ways to live sustainable, care for the land and all its occupants, communicate in person to prevent misinnerstandings and teach it to anyone in the local community or worldwide, who wants to learn a new skill. being responsible for our thoughts, words and truly healing ourselves first and to be kind and compassionate to everyone. i am a single sovereign living woman with a young german shepard pup, she comes with me, she is family and protection. i will not use societies labels to describe myself. I am being just me, now. i take care of my own well being and health and my pup with homemade food, herbs and native medicinal plants, structured water and lots of love and sunshine. i love to be in nature, forage for seeds, find plant fertilizers or natural remedies. i am an empath and harmonic gardener and artist. i love to create food forests with lots of flowers and companion plants to bring in benefical bugs, birds, frogs and other benefical conscious beings to assist with keeping food sources healthy. i get along with land and farm livestock animals, chickens, ducks etc. and i need transportation off my current location. please reply by email for now if interested at