Water Sourcer

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since Dec 12, 2024
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Recent posts by Water Sourcer

Greetings Permies,
I'm new here. How can people advertise? ...Workshops, talks,  paintings for sale, divining rods for sale.
Thank you,
Water Sourcer.
1 month ago
I love painting with oil pastels as well as all the other types of painting I do. I prefer them to chalk pastels, they are richer and blendable but you need to buy quality ones. Sennelier is a good starter or better Holbein. Oil pastels glide and melt! They are also versatile because you can apply them to a(n archival) board prepared for oil painting when out and about. I am a plein air painter or...artist.responding.outside. You can also seal your pastel painting and glaze-frame it for presentation and long life. Oil pastel painting is so immediate it almost rivals oil painting to capture the moment but without the mixing. Enjoy. )
1 month ago
I recently chopped my bamboo jungle down but I don't think I will burn it. I use it to make hollow handles on some of the dowsing rods I sell. If you don't know what dowsing is the other word is divining. I am a professional water diviner otherwise known as Watersourcer. I have taken on jobs bog and small, safe and no so safe! It is an amazing extra sense if you like which helps me day to day as well as helping other people solve problems. From the traditional potable borehole/well site, leaks, advised diversion routes to archeology, health, house health and practical dowsing-finding lost objects,  from my kitchen window "is my washing dry enough to take off the line yet at the end of my garden?" without having to walk up through the mud to touch it, to check when someone I'm meeting with is actually coming, to plant seeds in the optimum position and DIY uses such as the location of batons behind plaster board or wires for example...an infinite number of uses.
1 month ago