maikeru sumi-e

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since Dec 14, 2010
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Recent posts by maikeru sumi-e

Hi, does anyone have 200-300 seeds of Sepp's perennial grain for sale/trade? Or Mr. Wheaton if you happen to get a bumper crop sometime and have a few to share/trade, would appreciate it much. Thank you.
9 years ago
I'm not really surprised. IMO it's HFCS.
12 years ago

Brenda Groth wrote:in my reading of F's books I was also drawn to the fact that there seemed to be a lot of pickled food, which I have always been told was NOT good for you, but F's teachings seem to lean toward those foods as beeing nutritious.

kinda left me wondering and wanting to learn more about the picked foods.

the Back to Eden books I had read really shunned pickled foods as "indigestible" I have a big curiosity about them.

East and Southeast Asians in general have included a lot of pickled and fermented foods in their traditional diets. In ancient times, they did not have refrigerators or freezers, and this is a necessary and handy practice in places with hot and humid climates which are typically subtropical or tropical or blessed with long, cold winters, as many parts of Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, etc. are. I don't know what Kloss is talking about, but IMO it is not right to assume that things pickled in alcohol or vinegar are only Western or bad for your health. When I was growing up, we sometimes ate cooked chicken pickled/preserved in strong wine with rice for lunch or dinner. This is common in some Chinese cuisine. I'm also a fan of eating kimchi with rice for breakfast or lunch. Avoid being around other people, though, when you do.
12 years ago
Beautiful land and enviable water situation, Mr. Gurry. Think your idea could work.
12 years ago

Chris Dean wrote:Here's the update for this African keyhole bed. I have 6 very happy tomatoes in it, a squash with too much shade that's still doing well, and potatoes and sweet potatoes coming up from leftovers in the center composting area. On the south side I also have basil and oregano.

Some things I've learned
1. I should have faced the keyhole part to the south to maximize sun for everybody. This wasn't a dealbreaker though because everything seems quite content and is growing quickly.
2. This is a glorified, round hugelkultur. I'm not sure that the compost in the center is really that big a deal--this is producing as well as my other hugel beds.
3. Aesthetically, these are really nice. Still I prefer long raised beds. These are a lot of work and you can only make them so big because you need to be able to reach into the middle. I am building one more because I can't fit a long bed in one place in the yard. These would be nice for urban gardens where you care about what the yard looks like (we live out in the country). I threw ours together but it can be made a little more attractive quite easily.

The wood I used in the bottom had been buried for a year and then was dug up to put into this bed, so this may not be typical of a first year with fresh wood.

Beautiful keyhole garden.
12 years ago

Kenny Garcia wrote:So iv'e heard using your urine when diluted with water is a good source of nitrogen for your plants and garden. But iv'e also heard that it contains salt and can kill earthworms in your garden. Would like to get your guys opinion on what you think? Has anyone been trying this for years, if so what were your results? Is it long term damaging to the soil because of the salt?

Interested in what your guys feedback.


Depends on diet. Eat a bit less salt and your urine will have less salt.
12 years ago
Looking for seeds of a few of the Texas (false) dandelions (Pyrrhopappus carolinianus, pauciflorus, etc.), which are supposed to be common in the Southwest and Southeast of the US. If you know of some or could collect at the appropriate time, please drop me a message and I'll compensate you for your time or find another permie way to make it up to you. They're considered wild edible and medicinal herbs, so I would like to acquire some for the garden.

Beautiful photos that should give an idea of what I'm looking for if you happen to see it or have it growing.

Thank you!
Doing some quick research on which comfrey varieties are good for what purposes, but finding some conflicting information. Need some clarification.

From what I've read,

Bocking 4 = Good animal fodder, more for medicinal use, low in PAs, tends to run a little more wild
Bocking 14 = Higher production, the best for compost use, slightly higher in PAs thus not as recommended for medicinal use, stays put more than Bocking 4

Symphytum officinale = approximately 1/3 production of either Bocking varieties, seeds freely, can naturalize in ideal circumstances, might have lower PAs and better for medicinal uses

Me = confused, because different websites keep switching Bocking 4 and 14 like they're interchangeable.
12 years ago
It seems possible to get some varieties of JAs that are much shorter than the norm. I'm growing them this year and the ones I bought and planted from the store have grown only 3-4 feet tall, which provides a short(er than expected) windbreak and would be less competitive with things like fruit trees. btw, I was told how weedy JAs are but...other vigorous/aggressive plants can compete with JAs, so be careful what you plant with them. In one part of the garden, my winter squash plants have overrun, pulled down, and crushed/shaded the JA windbreak. :surprise:
12 years ago
Hi, yes, they can unexpectedly. I had some squash seeds come up on their own in the garden when they didn't grow last year, though I was puzzled where they'd disappeared... Unfortunately they didn't make it this spring because of frosts.
12 years ago