Blackbird McCoy

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since Dec 27, 2010
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The first photo looks like Tansy, third is Golden Rod, fourth looks like Birdsfoot trefoil. Not sure about the others. Hope that helps!
13 years ago
Are LGBT folks allowed to post on here or is that frowned upon?
13 years ago
Am I late for the party? Doesn't sound like there are too many Many-Snow-tans on here.  =P

Hope things improve soon.. for all of us!

13 years ago
If I had land I'd let you stay!
I'm looking to purchase 40 acres near Floodwood (about 45 min SW from Duluth)
So.. I'm no help right now, but if you're still looking in the future (say several months from now) let me know!
13 years ago
Hi Aganippe,
I went ahead with the beeswax, it's sitting in the fridge now. I'm sure I could still add the crayon but I might have to do that for another batch. I reckon I'll wait another month and a couple days before I taste it (it's goat cheddar). I know I accidentally added too much mesophilic culture but the curd tasted alright, so I guess I'll see how it tastes then!
13 years ago
I can only speak for myself, but the only fencing I've found that can contain goats (and even then it sometimes doesn't) is cattle paneling, which they can ultimately get stuck in. As much as I would like to spend my days herding goats around the country side it isn't very feasible, and probably not legal in most cases.
Goat kids can get their legs stuck in electrical netting and die, and even then some adult animals could care less about getting shocked, so I forgo that route.
13 years ago
The leaves in that picture look a bit curled up from the heat. My elderberries have leaves that look a bit different than that. It seems that the same plants can differ throughout the country. I personally know of no other plant that has berries formed quite like that. I'd say if everything else matches, they're elder. Then again, I like adventure and taking chances on occasion. Makes sure it's not pokeberry, and enjoy!

They make some damn good wine! Yummm!!
13 years ago
I'm going to assume that they're newly weaned? Change and stress definitely alter their stools; it will stiffen back up as they settle into their new diets and surroundings. It's recommended to make diet changes very carefully as abrupt changes can mess up the bacteria & flora in their rumens.

If your birds are getting whole grains they should be alright but stay away from medicated and the formulated mashes.

Also watch out for poisonous plants, and if they are having an increase supply of fresh greens be careful of bloat. Free choice baking soda can help with that if necessary.
13 years ago
Both my parents were raised on dairy farms (cow) and I almost want to say that whatever the guide told you is a load of crap, probably to try to sound better to those who know nothing about cows.

Lambs, kids, and calves CAN definitely scour from milk replacer/powder forms, but from their own milk I've never heard of it happening. Many small farmers/cow owners still raise their calves with the mother.. engorging themselves on milk seems unlikely, no matter how much it produced.

As 51/2Farm said, it is much cheaper for farmers to raise their animals on powdered milk than real milk that they would otherwise sell. I'm guessing that's why you were told that.

I only have experience with Nubians, Alpines, and Saanens as well. Nubians are a favorite because of the colors and ears, as well as the high butterfat content.
13 years ago
Oh sorry, my response was in reply to the original post. I have no issues with milking after weaning. I have a doe that gave over 1 1/2 gallons at her peak and her lactation lasted about 18 months. She was finally dried off because she was bred. What I meant was maintaining an animal's lactation and then stopping whenever one pleases can cause mastitis. But as a breastfeeding counselor I'm sure the original poster realized that - just wanted to be clear for others that want to learn and find this thread.. Sorry! No worries.
13 years ago