Chris Holcombe

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since Feb 22, 2011
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Portland - Zone 8b
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thomas rubino wrote:A  much better build Chris!
I suspect that your stove was not warmed up enough.
The riser needs to be the hottest portion to maintain a solid draft.
The flames will always take the easy way out if they can.

EDIT) after looking at your photos I would make your riser a couple of bricks taller.

Yeah… I started with a little fire and then got excited and put a ton of sticks in lol. I reread the startup section in Weisners Rocket mass heater book and it says to go slowly and make sure the chimney is hot because the J tube is like a kitchen sink bend and wants to plug up with cold air.
7 months ago
OK I’ll see if I can get this closer to the ideal 1:2:4 ratio. Once I’ve got this running properly I’m curious how putting a pot on top of the exit chimney to boil water for canning won’t mess it up and cause it to start back drafting again.
7 months ago
Ok I’ve rebuilt it as a mini J tube with some mud to seal the air gaps in the bricks. It seems to mostly work well except if I load it up with too many sticks and then it reverses direction and I’m not sure why.
I can upload a short video to YouTube if that helps
7 months ago
Haha! Thanks Thomas. Indeed, the baby dragon has bitten me. Alright sounds good. I’ll reconfigure it and seal it up. I guess I need to make another trip to the neighbors house to clean more bricks. He got a whole pile of them when the local school burned down. I had a lot of fun doing this
7 months ago
I recovered some bricks from the neighbor by chopping off the mortar and stacked them into a little stove just to test out. He even had some old fire bricks! I wanted to play around a little just to see how this all works. So far so good. I put about 15 quarts of water into a pot and did about a 30-40 min burn and the water was warm but not hot. I’m curious if taking this apart and rebuilding it with a J tube will produce something that’s much more efficient. Does extending the flame path really help the efficiency that much? I think just for safety reasons doing a J tube would be better. Much less opportunity for embers to fly out.
7 months ago
Chestnut season is here in the northwest! I think my two trees finally have enough to do something with this year. I'm thinking of using a french recipe to make a Chestnut Cream and I was wondering if that is safe to water bath can. I think since chestnuts aren't an acidic food ( I haven't measured ) that the answer is no but I thought I'd ask the community.  I think I can freeze that cream so that's fine as well. For the rest of the chestnuts I was thinking of drying them and then later grinding them into flour.
1 year ago
Glad to see your oven is still doing well! I just read the permaculture rocket oven book and I was a bit concerned because the book made it sound like I'd be rebuilding the oven every other year almost. It seems like that hasn't been the case with yours.
2 years ago
Yeah that plunge door looks interesting. I need to get myself a little stick welder I think so I can build something.
I agree the glass view port isn't necessary. I'm fine eliminating it. My goals for this are baking bread (450F ish) and canning/simmering fruit. I bake bread weekly but only can in batches when fruit is available. I haven't really figured out how to modify the rocket stove design to handle canning + baking. It seems like the walker style stove is more geared towards that. The walker stove seems pretty inexpensive if I can salvage a door and the cooktops. Roughly in the $600ish range. I think a rocket stove could be cheaper if I could figure out how to change the design to canning + baking
2 years ago
Awesome! I'm thinking about doing the same thing with a walker stove for an outdoor kitchen. I think my biggest concern at the moment is that the batch box doors seem to be really expensive to buy. I'm cruising craigslist to look for broken electric stoves with a glass cooktop.
2 years ago
Sounds amazing! Please post some pictures. Where about in southern oregon are you located?