Tofi Krol

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since Feb 28, 2011
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Recent posts by Tofi Krol

Re my comment on "body of information."

You are right about the wealth of information available on the internet, but I find that there is much "noise" and little real substance.  I would like to see a "wikidetails" site.  Years ago, I coauthored a back page column in the AIA magazine called the NEAT File (No Excuses After This), which started in our office as a place to store details (pre-computer days of course).
13 years ago
I am new to this thread, as well as new to eco building.  I have been an architect for over 30 years and understand the concepts and theories presented, but being detail-oriented, would like to hear and see (particularly see) real time designs and results (those that worked, failed, or are just problematic).  I admit that I have not looked at ALL the information out there and that I have much work to do before I build my underground, earth-sheltered, PAHS, eco-integrated abode.

The discussions about the good and evil of building codes are understandable, but not really helpful.  If we, as a community of alternative designers and builders can build a body of information, perhaps we can convince others that there can be alternatives to "conventional" construction that meet the intent of the Code.
13 years ago