Perhaps 'Marketing' is the wrong term to be used here. My concern, and I am sure it is shared with many others, is that this information on how to live more sustainably and leave a smaller footprint than we have done in the past - needs to get out to the general public.
This forum has tremendously valuable information. Personally, I think that it would be unethical and immoral for me to keep this information to myself, to use this only for my own purposes.
I will write about this in other forums I belong to and encourage others to come here to glean useful information and hopefully participate in sharing some as well. In other forums, posting links to sites deemed important is not spam, it's expected and very acceptable.
As my sig line here states, participation IS what is going to save us from ourselves. Including as many people in learning the alternatives to environmentally harmful lifestyles and day-to-day practices is not just a 'nice' thing to do... our survival depends on it as a species.