Hello All,
Nothing against the effort to do what these people are attempting to do. That being said, if you are looking for a dog with the stated traits you will have a far better chance to get a decent dog from an established breed from breeders who are serious about maintaining the traits. Maintaining traits is hard enough, much less starting a new "breed".
The traits in the dogs of this project are far from established. Coat, for one is notoriously difficult to stabilize in a breed that should have a rough coat. If the outer harsh layer of hair is missing then you have a dog that gets soaked to the skin in wet grass and far more prone to injury from brambles etc. ..
Additionally, a dog that is actually capable of being an effective deterrent against bears and cougars will not be suitable for people with little or no experience truly training dogs ie: regional or national competition, protection etc. . .
The cost to care for a good dog and a lousy dog are the same. Buy from a reputable breeder who has a track record of producing what you are looking for from an established breed. Very few people in the dog breeding business are willing to cull the inferior individuals. Even fewer people are willing to get rid of a dog they buy as a pup, lavish with care and affection only to have it turn out to be mediocre or useless when it comes to their intended role.
My WAG is that most people tempted to buy one of these have never been more than average pet owners, and are attracted to not much more than the "newness factor" of the project. If your expectations are nothing greater than a pet then you likely won't be disappointed. And finally, most people do not have the time or expertise to train a working dog. You have to love the process of creating the partnership between you and the dog, not find it one more chore that is easily put off. . . . which results in a pet which has been "trained" to be poorly behaved and a nuisance.
The Germans (who breed some of the best) have a saying: A good dog adapts to the family, not the family to the dog.
My apologies if my comments upset some people. However, the comments are founded on 40 years of experience not only training dogs to national status, but training people to train dogs in both the US and Canada.
My .02