Suzy Bean

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since Apr 05, 2011
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Recent posts by Suzy Bean

Hey folks, since Paul is so busy, he needs support chasing down people who copy his material online so that he can still benefit as the author and bring people to permies etc.

I used to do this job, but would like to pass it on to a willing permie (or a few if you want to break it up) if possible.

Basically, you write an email/comment to the people who use his material on their site to ask them to limit it to one or two paragraphs and one or two pictures, and provide a link to the source. You can explain that having a copy and paste of the original on multiple websites dilutes google's value of his site.

Here is a recent list - he will likely have a list of this size just once every few months. For foreign sites, you may need to go through google translator.

This one lists the URL but there is no actual link to the source:

again, there is not a proper link*anatomy*lateral_brain-labeled.jpg/

Cal Edon wrote:The latest podcast claims to be 150+ MB, but the download is only 50+. I think there's something wrong with the podcast display page.

This should be fixed.
Thanks TBro,

Would you tell me what the MPEG means?
Sorry folks! Life was happening. Although, personally, I enjoy the croaking

Could still use some insight from anyone on making the file smaller. Unfortunately I'm not very tech savvy. I got the croaking by turning the resolution down to 8000 (instead of 48000). This was my attempt to reduce its size. Paul also recommended turning off the stereo. Don't know how to do that. There is an option to click on mono-track stereo, but when I do that, it doesn't seem to make the change. On my old computer, before the size issue occurred on my current computer, I remember using two track, and, I believe, 48000 Hz.

New ideas?
Paul and Lacia review a Joel Salatin google video in this podcast: podcast 134

They talk about the ide of having chickens behind every restaurant.
12 years ago
Paul and Lacia review a Joel Salatin google video in this podcast: podcast 134
12 years ago
Paul and Bob Giordano of Free Cycles talk about the shop in this podcast.

They talk about Sunday Streets.
12 years ago
Paul and Bob Giordano of Free Cycles talk about the shop in this podcast.

They talk about Missoula's rank in bike cities.
12 years ago
Paul and Bob Giordano of Free Cycles talk about the shop in this podcast.
12 years ago