William Bogle

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since Jul 01, 2011
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Judith Browning wrote:Hi, Susan....Pretty picky, I guess, in that we hope for a young couple/family already obsessively into an organic/permaculture philosophy and just needing the land to make it happen. I did kind of skip the downsides to life in the Ozarks like ticks, snakes, heat, too much rain, tornados, not enough rain ,forest fires, bad roads, no money.....But on the other hand you should try to live your ideal at any age.
Good luck.

Judith how close are you to newton county?
12 years ago
Dogs have worked the best for me. We just moved into a cabin that I have been building. We live in ozarks and have lots of deer. In fact the location of our land is right in the path the deer use to get to our local spring.  When we were building we would see deer every morning usually right where we were going to put our garden.  We have two australian shepards, once we brought them with us we have only seen deer running away. As soon as the deer get within 50 yards both of our dogs are after them. After they have chased them off a short distance the dogs come back.

We had been told by several people in the area that there was no way we could grow corn or green beans because the deer would destroy them. We have been growing both successfully.
13 years ago