Russ White

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since Sep 16, 2011
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Getting back to the worm growing. I used to buy night crawlers from a lady who raised rabbits. She would place worm poo in barrels, then put in night crawlers, they would turn the poo into casting for her garden. They were nice big fat worms for fishing. Her garden always looked great. She also made quite a good profit from the worm sale.
11 years ago
I like the idea about planting enough to share with wild life. In the past people who farmed guarded the plants and would kill or chase off anything that tried to eat what they planted. After all they depended on that food for survival. We today can just go to the store if something gets eaten or destroyed.
11 years ago
Seems to me scientist have given us insecticides, pesticides, and GMOs. If we only depend on supposedly science to produce food we will all lose. My take has always been after reading Mollison, and Holzer to name afew that they feel the same.
11 years ago
Martin love the analogy that man can be like the beaver. Think I will use it to explain about how edges happen in the wild.
11 years ago
For me that is the thing that rubs me the wrong way. Of course once we have cut some thing, some thing else will grow. I am not for just leaving all alone for 75 years to see what happens. To manage we need to some times plant, some times remove. I am not sure anyone knows what is natural. If we do not have any untouched forest we can go by. I do however think it would have varied plants, with varied micro climates that promote habitat for wild life. If we consider man a natural part of the process, than man should not just say I took what I wanted from the forest, now who cares. It is my understanding of permaculture that man is part of the big picture and he should be part of the betterment of his/her environment.
11 years ago
Being in a virgin forest with lots of animals must have been exciting. Did you notice what was going on there. I bet there were large trees with varied under growth. Edges where the plants change. Water supply of some kind. Mimic what you see there and you will be on right track.
11 years ago
Thanks for following along. Hope my story has shed some light on where I live. I have read many of your post. They have surely shed light on what you have to deal with.
11 years ago
Let me say it just a little differently. Many years ago when I was just a kid people here in CT. still had full use of the state forest. Now most of the roads are blocked off. We would go blueberry picking and see our neighbors out there doing the same. If you had a problem with your well pump you could go and get water from one of the many natural springs. Fishing and hunting were the norm. Now if you want to go fishing you better be prepared for a hike. Parking is often poor with barely enough room to pull off the main road. When once we knew the names of the wardens who would stop by to chat with you, now if you see one they are ready to fine you for something. What once was a productive active plus is now getting run down with the excuse that this is more natural with native plants. If you still have it better where you are be prepared to fight for it or you to will see what I mean. Not all of our forest are this way they maintain some areas, where they charge for camping. Funny thing is these are also the same areas where they're head quarters are. Of course the economy probably has something to do with it. We are blessed to have public areas. If I could convince enough people how permaculture could work on these public lands it will change for the better. But my personal experience is most people are just too busy or think I am just weird to even care.

11 years ago
Squirrels love nuts and seeds. I am pretty confident any nut or seed would do. Acorns from oaks, seeds from pines or other evergreens, sunflower seeds from bird feeders(lol). Really anything that produces seed or nut but to keep any animal around you need many different plants so there will be a constant supply of food available. Once you have a constant supply of food around, weather it from trees or small fruit bushes to strawberry plants many animals will come. If the squirrel you want to come lives in your neck of the woods he will also come.
11 years ago
I thought the same. Permaculture has changed the way I look at ever thing. If I was to take a walk in the woods before, I would not have been looking to see what was growing. People who watch birds look for birds. I find my self counting how many. Are there squirrels and how many. I some times stop to look to see how different plants are grouped and where they are growing. Heck I even look at the dirt. My initial thought of the loss of things that were growing some time ago seems to have been missed. There was this one old farm that I came upon with the choked out orchard, that hit me pretty hard. It most have been quite beautiful in its day. It was set slightly higher than it surroundings with steps leading up to it. Surely it was someones pride and joy. When I am gone the next person to take over this property may not care that it took me years to assemble the plants I have. Who knows that person may remove them all for lawn.
11 years ago