making and bodycare products, fruit tree care, wildcrafting, homesteading and so much more.
Thanks to our contributing authors and creators for making this such a great deal.
Roundhouse Studio Plans Package & Earthbag Building Guide eBook
by Owen Geiger (courtesy of Kelly Hart)
These plans are available as digital PDF files and are offered by Dr. Owen Geiger as complete and ready to build from. They include necessary elevations, floorplans, cross section details, and other significant construction details.
Finding the Perfect Homestead Property Course (2 Lessons)
by Curtis Stone
Join Curtis Stone, for 2 sample lessons from the epic online course Finding the Perfect Homestead Property. Find your dream homestead property using a simple 3-part framework & Google Earth Pro.
PawPaw Quick Start Guide (Video and eBook)
by Michael Judd
Learn from master gardener, Michael Judd, to enrich your knowledge and connection with PawPaws, through this introductory taster package. Enjoy the first lesson from Michael's online pawpaw course plus the info-packed Resources chapter from his book.
Boosting Your Garden Yields by Growing Algae presentation
by Matt Huber
From the 'Best of' series of talks put together by the Superfood Garden Summit, Matt Huber's informative talk about boosting your garden yields by growing algae is now available to stream.
Wooden Door with Mycelium Insulation and Proenneke Hinge Guide and Plans
by Andres Bernal
Step by step guide plan for a wooden door with mycelium insulation and a Proenneke hinge designed by Beau Davidson and made during the Permaculture Technology
Jamboree 2022 at
Wheaton Labs, and part of the Low Tech Laboratory Movie.
Permaculture Guilds Training Session
by Permaculture Gardens
An online training session on the topic of Guilds and Companion Planting.
Hugelkultur: The Ultimate Raised-Bed Gardening eBook (Draft)
by Paul Wheaton
Learn the why's and how to's of
hugelkultur from the Duke himself.
Easy Homemade Body Products eBook
by Merissa A. Alink
Dive into the world of making your own homemade body products and skip all the scary ingredients in the store bought lotions.
Composting Toilet Design Plan PDF
by Rancho Mastatal
Rancho Mastatal have put together a document that outlines how their composting toilets are designed and made.
The Design and Build of the Giant Solar Food Dehydrator Movie
by Paul Wheaton
Follow along with the group as they discuss the merits of design elements, and then go on to the build of the dehydrator and get great insight into how to proceed when building your own.
Save Our Bees - Your Guide To Creating A Bee Friendly Environment eBook
by Jason Johns
A comprehensive guide to show you what you can do to save our dwindling bee population.
DIY Specialty Soaps eBook
by The Nerdy Farm Wife
The Nerdy Farm Wife presents an essential 55 page guide to making your own soaps,
shampoo bars, solid dish & laundry soaps, rice
water soaps and salt & brine bars. With over 28 creative & useful recipes, images and easy to understand instructions, you'll be making top notch homemade products in no time.
Building a Cob Style Rocket Mass Heater - HD instant view
by Paul Wheaton
Watch how they built a
cob style rocket mass heater at Wheaton Labs.
Earthen Walls Webinar
by Natalie Bogwalker of Wild Abundance
Detailing the background, pros, and cons of 9 different earthen wall systems: adobe, rammed earth,
cob, earthbag, slip
straw, hempcrete, log, cordwood, and strawbale.
Paul Wheaton Podcast Review of Botany in a Day by Thomas Elpel
by Paul Wheaton
Listen to Paul as he talks about how Botany in a Day is changing the way people learn about plants.
Wildcrafting Weeds eBook
by Colleen Codekas & Joel Schwartz
Wildcrafting Weeds: 20 Easy to Forage Edible and
Medicinal Plants teaches beginning foragers how to identify common edible and medicinal plants. You’ll learn straightforward techniques and recipes to forage and use wild weeds with confidence!
Building a Better World in Your Backyard eBook
This book is full of practical projects you can do today, right where you live, to make a difference in your life and in the world.
45 Low Tech Things Webinar Recording
by Paul Wheaton
In this recorded presentation and discussion, Paul covered 45 Low Tech Things - an extension of and update to his famous 72 Bricks to Build a Better World keynote from
Permaculture Voices.
Issue 110 & Issue 118
by Permaculture Design Magazine
Digital issues 110 'Permaculture Ethics' and 118 'Wild Yields' from the wonderful Permaculture Design Magazine.
Practical Mending eBook
by Kate Downham
Create resilience and reduce waste with this helpful guide that teaches you about what you will need to get started, and the techniques to repair damaged clothes and make them wearable again. Suitable for complete beginners and up.
Cooking with a Rocket Oven (Video)
by Paul Wheaton
In this 19 minute video, Erica shows us how to cook in a
rocket oven.
Thermophilic Compost For the Garden and Homestead PDF
by Alan Booker
Alan Booker's notes on Making Thermophilic
Compost for the Garden or Homestead.
Paul Wheaton Podcast Gob: 281-320
by Paul Wheaton huckleberry
Listen to 40 of Paul's podcasts, all in one sitting, if you dare! Interviews with
Willie Smits, Diana Leafe Christian,
Geoff Lawton,
bees, Permaculture Voices and so much more!

6 Issues of Tiny House Magazine
Tiny House Magazine is a digital magazine dedicated to micro, tiny, small, and otherwise non-traditional housing. All of the 2023 issues are featured here as one purchase (Issues 126-131), to build your tiny house info library!
Helen Atthowe's Backyard Food Forest - Webinar Recording
In this webinar, Helen goes over the 10 principles of managing ecological relationships, soil health, and how to start your own Backyard Food Forest.
Water Biofilters and Composting Toilet Systems with Tim Barker - Presentation from Online PDC/ATC
by Paul Wheaton
This presentation is 2hrs and 3 minutes long (HD Streaming) and is one of many presentations given during the full 133 hours of recorded
PDC & ATC presentations
Why Chickens are the Enablers and Heroes of Permaculture Design Workshop
by Patricia Foreman (courtesy of Diego Footer)
This cutting-edge
workshop explores the ever-expanding ways to employ
chickens to help navigate these transition times. Learn how family flocks create & enhance food-growing topsoils, help grow vegetables, berries, nuts & fruits, sequester
carbon and decrease carbon foot-prints and even be be part of emergency preparedness plans—all the while saving community taxes. Understand that employing family flocks is truly a community service.
Living Wood magazine - Issue 6
Living Woods is a quarterly magazine for everyone who loves woodland,
trees and timber. So whether you dream of owning your own woodland, want to learn new and exciting woodland skills and activities or simply want to enjoy the therapy of quiet, green woodworking, Living Woods Magazine will show you the way.
Core Site Layout: Zone 1 Site Planning Online Workshop
by Ben Falk
In this workshop, Ben Falk navigates through various aspects of effective "Zone 1" planning and design – helping you understand the principles behind optimizing your immediate living area for sustainability and productivity.
Saving Our Seeds eBook – The Practice & Philosophy
by Bevin Cohen
A great how-to guide, leading the reader step by step through the process of saving their seeds from 43 different crops; from adzuki beans to wheat and everything in between.
Celery Wine: The Story of a Country Commune eBook
by Elaine Sundancer (courtesy of Foundation for Intentional Community)
Celery Wine is the touching true story of moving to a country community in the wilds of Oregon in the early 1970’s. The book includes practical tips, funny and inspiring stories, delicious recipes, and good lessons about what works and what doesn’t – in life and in communities.
The Beginning Gardener's Toolbox eBook
by Carly MacQuarrie of The Little Green Shoot
Everything you need to create your dream garden space any time of year, even in the
city. Aimed at beginners, it also has some worksheets that could come in handy for gardeners at any stage looking to get a bit better organized!
How to Bake without Baking Powder eBook
by Leigh Tate
Baking powder has a limited shelf life, but with this PDF eBook from Leigh Tate's The Little Series of Homestead How-Tos, you will be able to create your own leavening power through basic kitchen chemistry.
Northern Great Basin Restoration Agriculture Biome Models Presentation
by Neil Bertrando
This presentation contains fairly extensive species lists for each biome type, provides examples of various landscape positions and potential multi-species plantings that fit into each position.