The Montana Organic Associationis located in Belgrade, MT and is dedicated to connecting Montana's organic community; including Missoula. They provide a great number of resources for Montanans, including lobbying and advocating in the state government in behalf of
local food growers.
MOA advocates for policies that protect the environment, promote healthy living, and support individuals, farms, and businesses that are actively engaged in developing
sustainable businesses and communities. Since its founding in 2002, MOA has worked to build connections and relationships between Montana’s organic farmers and ranchers with markets and other opportunities that strengthen organic agriculture.
The Montana Organic Association (MOA) brings together people, businesses, organizations, and agencies working to develop Montana's organic sector and building its community. MOA is proud of its legacy that has led Montana to be a national leader in organic production. But MOA is more than organic production; it also serves to educate about organic products including food, fiber, and non-food items like cosmetics and household supplies, and provides strategies to limit the use of chemicals in everyday life. MOA advocates for policies that protect the environment, promote healthy living, and support individuals, farms and businesses that are actively engaged in developing sustainable businesses and communities. MOA accomplishes this through hosting events, serving as an educational resource, providing networking opportunities, and through its communications channels.
Almost every year, MOA hosts an annual conference featuring speakers and presentations that help bring attention to their efforts to promote local Montana food growers and organic farming issues. Previous conferences:
Conference archives.
MOA has an informative
MOA YouTube channel with lots of great videos on topics ranging from organic
gardening and farming policy, social media use for advocacy, crop and farm management. Check it out!
MOA is affiliated with several other Missoula- and Montana-based advocacy groups:
Get Involved! Join MOA!
MOA has several affordable membership options: Individual, Household, Farm/Ranch/Business, and Organic Business. MOA also offers premium Sponsor and Lifetime memberships. Join MOA and help grow Montana's organic community.
MOA is a diverse community. There are many ways to participate: attend a farm tour,
volunteer, read
"Organic Matters," MOA's quarterly newsletter, advertise and sponsor! Go here to sign up:
Join MOA!