So I am carpooling a bunch of people tomorrow night and wanted to make sure the truck was clean and happy. I used my general purpose cleaner created in another BB (white vinegar, water, lemon juice) as my general cleaner for the interior. Between the dog hair and dirt from being outdoors all the time, the truck definitely needed a makeover. I do want to apologize for the lighting in these pics. It is super bright here today and the shadows made it difficult to get great pics. I did my best.
Cleaned interior of my car
- Removed mats and vaccuumed seats, floors, middle console, & crevices
- Wiped entire inside with damp Norwex microfiber cloth, including doors, door frame, dash, etc.
- Used a toothbrush, toothpick, and vinegar/water spray to clean the gunk out of the middle console
- Cleaned inside of all windows by spraying water, then wiped with paper towels, followed up with a Norwex window cloth to shine
- Sprayed rubber mats off with hose outside and left to dry
Cleaners used: vaccuum, Norwex microfiber cloth, Norwex window cloth, vinegar/water spray, spray bottle with water, toothbrush & toothpick, paper towels
cleaners used
very dirty
wiping inside of windshield with paper towel after spraying with water
wiping inside of windshield with Norwex window cloth
Van needed cleaned badly.
Used a cleaner recipe I found online for cleaning the leather seats: Castile soap and water 1:5 ratio. I put it in a spray bottle but it didn’t spray well so I ended up dabbing my cloth on the top of the bottle to saturate. Worked well! The lavender soap smell is nice.
I also used vinegar, water, and orange essential oil cleaner on the glass.
I’m glad to do this as its come up as a safety moment several times at my work - in the fall make sure your windshield is clean inside as the light changing makes the glare worse. Happy to get around to this for that as well.