animal care
instruction, regulation, insurance, safety, etc
Animals are a benefit to any homestead no matter what you eat.
Extra care was expended to make it so that the sand and
straw badges can be completed by a vegan. A great deal of this was accomplished by creating a nurturing environment for beneficial wild animals and insects.
wood and iron badges are an effort to move to a much higher level of animal care than is found on most homesteads.
sand badge
Complete five:
build a nice birdhouse for a specific species of bird (prerequisite dimensional.sand.birdhouse)
build a mason bee house (possibly other solitary bees)
perform maintenance on a mason bee house (possibly other solitary bees)
make a bee/insect watering station
move a yellowjacket nest from where it is a bother to where it is a value
catch a honey bee swarm with a bait hive (aka swarm trap)
rescue a honey bee swarm
plant a three season nectar harvest for pollinators
build a ladybug house
build a bat house
build an insect hotel
scythe and bale one bale of hay
scythe and bale one bale of straw
create a brush pile near a garden for animal/insect diversity habitat
create six different toad habitats
plant 60 mulberry tree seeds
create snake/lizard habitat
create a live rodent trap
create at least a pint of holzer bone sauce
share appropriate kitchen scraps
milk a cow or goat or sheep - one gallon for cows, one quart for others
plant seeds for humming birds
putting out some winter straw to help the animals stay warm
fecal parasite test
sheep health check
training animals for goodies
cleaning a shelter
cleaning out at least 4 nesting boxes for chickens
grow sprouts as a winter feed for fowl
remove algae from a trout pond
add aeration strategy to a trout pond
stock a trout pond with trout
move animals to a new paddock
collect 12 eggs from your fowl
food/water/egg/safety check for your fowl
food/water/safety check for your 4 legged livestock
create dragonfly habitat
create frog habitat
Manage breeding and support farm cat resulting in at least six kittens
chicken - slaughter and clean
duck - slaughter and clean
turkey - slaughter and clean
guinea fowl - slaughter and clean
quail - slaughter and clean
pigeon - slaughter and clean
goose - slaughter and clean
rabbit - slaughter and clean
guinea pig - slaughter and clean
straw badge
35 points required
Can do up to fifteen new points from Animals.Sand list (each item counts for 1 point)
Required: Complete at least one
BB from the “Pest Control list”
Set up a stock tank that won’t freeze in the winter without electricity - 4 points
- only applies in climates where freezing is a routine issue
Set up a moveable electric fence for paddock shift systems (show a move)
- Using 110v ac power - 1 point
- Using car battery (kept dry) - 1.5 points
Scythe and bale a dozen bales of hay - 4 points
Scythe and bale a dozen bales of straw - 4 points
Build a manual baler - 3 points
Grow forage for chickens/pigs in a single paddock - 4 points
Prove that paddock shift is amazing - 10 points
- at least 4 paddocks with a 10 foot x10 foot control area that is fenced off
Grow a three season nectar harvest for pollinators - 10 points
- at least a dozen species with hundreds of blooms at 2 points in each season (six pics total)
Prove that chickens prefer fresh food over organic commercial food - 10 points
- 2 extra points if the paddock
chickens prefer fresh food so much that they eat zero commercial food
Prove your animal’s food is fit for human consumption - 1 point
Prove that your animal’s water is clean/fresh/healthy - 2 points
System to collect excessive insects in the summer, dry them and feed them out in the winter - 4 points
Set up a holzer bee hive - 2 points
Set up a conventional bee hive - 1 point
Shear a sheep - 4 points
Shear an alpaca/llama - 4 points
Make a lightweight paddock shift chick brooder - 4 points
- 2 feet by 3 feet minimum warm area connected to a 2 feet by 3 feet minimum “run” exposed to sun
Make a lightweight paddock shift chicken coop - 4 points
Make a skiddable goat shelter - 4 points
Make a skiddable hog shelter - 5 points
Make a skiddable cattle shelter - 7 points
Make a 200 foot wavy deer fence - 4 points
Do the work to entice beavers to an area - 4 points
- prove that work introduced beavers to the area - 2 more points
Show how offal from one animal system is an input to a different animal system - 2 points
Pest control list:
- If you chose to do more than one of these BBs, work done for one of the BBs can not be counted for another BB
- For instance, to get credit for 6 toad habitats for mosquito mitigation and 6 toad habitats for fly mitigation requires the construction of 12 toad habitats.
Control aphids with permaculture - 8 points
Control leaf eating beetles with permaculture - 8 points
Control cutworms with permaculture - 8 points
Control mosquitoes with permaculture - 8 points
- Pre-requisite BBs
create dragonfly habitat
create frog habitat
create 6 different toad habitats
Control crop eating birds with permaculture - 8 points
- Pre-requisite BBs
Create snake/lizard habitat
Control rodents with permaculture - 8 points
- Pre-requisite BBs
Create snake/lizard habitat
Create a brush pile
Control flies with permaculture - 8 points
- Pre-requisite BBs
create dragonfly habitat
create frog habitat
create 6 different toad habitats
Control indoor fleas with permaculture - 8 points
Breed a broody hen to hatch at least six chicks - 4 points
Breed a broody duck to hatch at least six ducklings - 4 points
Breed a broody turkey to hatch at least four poults- 4 points
Breed a guinea fowl to hatch at least six keets - 4 points
Breed a quail to hatch at least six chicks - 4 points
Breed a pigeon to hatch at least four squabs - 4 points
Breed a goose to hatch at least six goslings- 4 points
Breed a goat resulting in at least one kid - 4 points
Breed a rabbit resulting in at least three kits - 4 points
Breed an ewe resulting in at least one lamb - 4 points
Breed a cow resulting in at least one calf - 4 points
Breed a sow resulting in at least six piglets - 4 points
Breed a guinea pig resulting in at least six pups - 4 points
Breed a llama resulting in at least one cria - 4 points
Breed an alpaca resulting in at least one cria - 4 points
Breed a working farm dog resulting in at least six puppies - 4 points
Raising mealworms - end up with two pounds more than when you started - 3 points
Raising crayfish - end up with two pounds more than when you started - 3 points
Raising worms - end up with two pounds more worms than when you started - 4 points
Raising black soldier flies - end up with two pounds more grubs than when you started - 4 points
Raising mason bees - end up with ½ lb of cocoons - 2 points
Fish farming - end up with five pounds more than when you started - 2 points
- Prerequisite is to do the
stock a trout pond with trout BB
Harvest List:
Process fish - catch and clean 5 lbs of fish from your pond - 2 points
Butcher a goat - slaughter and clean - 2 points
Butcher a sheep - slaughter and clean - 2 points
Butcher a cattle - slaughter and clean - 8 points
Butcher a pig - slaughter and clean - 6 points
Parasite list:
Prove that your chickens do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your ducks do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your cattle do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your guinea fowl do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your quail do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your pigeons do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your geese do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your rabbits do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your llamas do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your alpacas do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your hogs do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your cats do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your dogs do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your goats do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your sheep do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your turkeys do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your fish do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your bees do not have parasites - 4 points
Prove that your guinea pigs do not have parasites - 4 points
wood badge
Prove your animal’s food is fit for human consumption
Prove that your animal’s water is clean/fresh/healthy
Care for 6 different species of animal for 6 months
- Provide clearly better conditions than any conventional farm
- Primarily skiddable
- No manure handling
- Less than 2% off property inputs
Harvest 200,000 calories from a domestic animal system
- At least 6 animal products and a minimum of 10,000 calories from each of the 6
60 points required
Can do up to 30 new points from Sand and Straw lists
Harvest 20 lbs of fiber from a domestic animal system - 10 points
Harvest 5 square feet of leather - 8 points
Harvest 5 square feet of fur - 8 points
Seal a 1000 square foot pond with pigs - 12 points
Grow a large three season nectar harvest for honeybees - 20 points
- Minimum of 1/4 acre and at least two dozen species
Arrange a hayless system for a ruminant herd - 20 points
Grow forage for chickens/pigs in four paddocks - 10 points
- at least 12 plant species, obviously more than 20,000 calories of forage per paddock
iron badge
These six species required:
- Hogs
- Turkey
- Fish
- Honeybees
Six more species required (your choice). Possibilities could be more than what you see on this list:
- Ducks
- Guinea fowl
- Quail
- Pigeons
- Geese
- Guinea pigs for meat
- Working farm dogs
- Working farm cats
- Sheep
- Goats
- Llama
- Alpaca
General conditions required for all animals for which it applies:
- Primarily skiddable shelters
- No manure handling
- All of the animal systems must be less than 2% off-site input
- Hayless (or dramatic hay reduction system) is required
- Minimal bare dirt under hoof/foot
- Out in green, lush pasture most of the year
- Plenty of shady spots
- Sufficient herd/flock size to satisfy animal’s natural needs
- Lack of flies, ticks, etc
- Dry, wind protected shelters
- Cattle butchering offal goes to
chickens, pigs, fish, etc., Chicken goes to the pigs, dogs, fish, etc
- Little to no predator pressure
- Parasite and disease checks for all species
- Their last day and last 15 minutes are calm and relaxing. Slaughtered on site.
Harvest 4 million calories from 9 domestic animal systems
- Must include a minimum of:
- 1
beef animal
dairy (5 lbs butter, 5 lbs cheese, 1 qt cream)
- 100 eggs
- 12 butchered chicken
- 6 turkeys
- 2 hogs
- 10 lbs fish
- 10 lbs honey
Harvest 80 lbs of fiber from a domestic animal system
Harvest 20 square feet of leather
Harvest 20 square feet of fur
Provide proof that you are breeding and nurturing 12 animal species
- Pampered or treated better than 98% of other domestic animals
- Level 6 animal care is “pampered” and level 7 is “something that would inspire a Disney movie about a little girl and all of her homestead animal friends.” Provide some evidence that you might be close to level 7.
- General examples:
- Come when called
- Let them “escape” and show you can call/entice them back easily
- You drink their
- You eat their food
- You’ve thought deeply about your animal’s fears of predation and act accordingly (ie. not picking up rabbits or especially flipping them over)
- Just because a human would like your “pampering”, ensure that your critter would
- Herbal apothecary in their paddocks
- Sing or play with you
- Sleep in their shelter for one night
- Toys and forms of entertainment for the animals
- Four seasons of pampering
- Examples of being people friendly
- Prolific reproduction
- Prolific meat/milk production
- Describe your breeding objectives and plan
- Describe, for each animal, how your breeding objectives breed out dependence on antibiotics
- A heated shelter for the 12 coldest days of winter
- Put out food for them for the 12 coldest days of winter
Prove you are nurturing your cattle
- Minimum of 3 calves from breeding to six months old
- Come willingly to be milked
Prove you are nurturing your chickens
- Chicken breeding program to favor good egg production and foraging on your property
- Minimum of 100 chickens from hatch to 3 months old under broody hens (no incubators)
Prove you are nurturing your hogs
- Minimum of two dozen hogs from birth to six months old
- Ensure wallow facilities for the 12 hottest days of the year
Prove you are nurturing your turkeys
- Minimum of a dozen turkeys from under a broody hen to 3 months old
Prove you are nurturing your fish
- 12 or more species of aquatic and riparian plants
- Variety of water depths, rocks, logs, hiding places
- No supplemental fish food - sufficient bugs/plants/etc for them to forage
Prove you are nurturing your honeybees
- Tens of thousands of blooms at 2 points in each season within 150 feet of the hive (about two acres)
- Includes bear protection, additional winter insulation system, no paint on hive and a
bee hut or equivalent system for shade, rain and snow protection
- Each colony must come from a wild swarm and you must prove that your colony swarmed at least once
- Each hive is at least 200 feet from any other hive
- Prove you are nurturing another species (complete 6)
Breed and Nurture Ducks
Breed and Nurture Geese
Breed and Nurture Guinea Fowl
Breed and Nurture Quail
Breed and Nurture Pigeons
Breed and Nurture Rabbits
Breed and Nurture Goats
Breed and Nurture Sheep
Breed and Nurture Alpaca
Breed and Nurture Guinea Pigs
Breed and Nurture Llama
Breed and Nuture Working Farm Dogs
Breed and Nurture Working Farm Cats