greywater and willow feeders
instruction, regulation, insurance, safety, etc
Modern sewage treatment plants are problematic. Liquids that enter the plant are typically released into our river systems within 24 hours and cause a lot of problems. The solids are separated and usually hauled to a dump. At the same time, there is a struggle to import nutrients for our horticultural practices.
Willow feeders, dry outhouses and greywater systems are designed to operate far better than a modern sewage treatment plant (which is better than a septic tank and drain field, which is better than an old school out house). We will keep most of the valuable nutrients on the
land, and we will have zero impact on our river systems and oceans.
This aspect is designed to impress Otis with our powerful, next generation ability to own our own shit.
sand badge
plant five "poop beast" trees
use a bucket of water from a shower
use water from a dishpan
give urine to growies
Steinfeld list (1 required)
significant art for a willow feeder or dry outhouse
build a better urine diverter
- plus 1 point in plumbing
- plus 5 points in metal working
create a hand crafted, laminated information sheet
- that details how a willow feeder works on one side
- and how to deal with shark week on the other side.
- Lots of drawings.
Overhaul the ventilation system
Overhaul the “occupied” system
Seal a poorly sealed box on a willow feeder
urine diverter and sink drain goes to a mulch pit with a willow tree
dramatically improve the southern exposure for the trombe wall
Add a wood-burned, oil-sealed sign identifying the willow feeder or dry outhouse
Create a level 1 Pee spot
- Moderately established plants (privacy and nutrient loving),
carbon source and signage
Jenkins list (2 required)
Add art to a willow feeder or dry outhouse
move one willow feeder can to a willow candy warehouse
move one willow feeder can to a willow tree
Improve the urine diverter
build a secondary fly trap
Empty a fly catcher that is at least 20% full
improve a fly catcher
Improve or repair the ventilation system
add a wax bag dispenser (with bags) for anything that needs to be contained before going into the garbage can
add a small garbage can with a foot pedal operated lid
add a system for sterilized and dirty “shewees” with proper labels
improve the "occupied" system
Add 4 coat hooks
Add a chalkboard to the inside
a thorough cleaning
straw badge
35 points required
New items from Sand badge allowed:
- Items on the Steinfeld list are worth 2 points
- Items on the Jenkins list are worth 0.5 points
build a small cold-climate greywater-fed mulch pit - 5 points
- 2’ diameter by 4’ deep hole, deposition chamber and plant two kinds of
poop beasts
build a large cold-climate greywater-fed mulch pit - 10 points
- 4’ diameter by 8’ deep hole, deposition chamber and plant three kinds of poop beasts
Plumb an outdoor sink to drain to a mulch pit - 2 points
plumb a greywater fixture (sink, shower, washer, etc.) to drain to a mulch pit - 4 points
plumb a greywater fixture (sink, shower, washer, etc.) to connect to an existing greywater drain - 2 points
take an existing greywater-fed mulch pit, and re-plumb the distribution so the greywater is split equally between two mulch pits - 3 points
- Show how you are making sure that the greywater is split roughly 50/50 (note that a simple “T” or “Y” often sends 90% or 100% of the flow down one path - so we need to see how you are preventing that)
Reroute house plumbing that drains to a septic system drain field into a collection of mulch pits instead - 7 points
Re-route a house that drains to a sewer system into a (poor man’s?) septic tank and then a collection of mulch pits instead - 7 points
build a poor man’s septic tank for a greywater system - 5 points
Create a level 2 Pee spot - 4 points
- Established plants, very little privacy
Create a level 3 Pee spot - 6 points
- Mature
perennial plants, moderate privacy
Create a level 4 Pee spot - 8 points
- Mature perennial plants, significant privacy, added privacy screen and moveable seat
upgrade a willow feeder or dry outhouse
- install a trombe wall - 14 points
- build a truly great
urine diverter - 8 points
- Worthy of putting in a book, also get 5 points in metal working
- build a raised floor - 3 points
- urine diverter and sink drain goes to a mulch pit with a willow tree - 3 points
- oddball projects
- double points
build an indoor willow feeder - 20 points
take a willow feeder to a fair / event for public use - 8 points
- available for use at least 8 hours with proof of happy customers
build a willow candy warehouse - 16 points
short experiments with willow candy - 14 points
- Conduct experiments with 7 different willow candy cans for 12 weeks
wood badge
180 points required
Up to 80 points from
straw badge
build a dry outhouse (skiddable structure) - 40 points
build a outdoor willow feeder - 40 points
prove you’ve improved the quality of groundwater at a property - 60 points
wofati greenhouse that never freezes for processing greywater - 60 points
- At least 6’ x 8’ inside with two thermal
wells, wofati membrane and
Oehler style cold sink
full-length experiments with willow candy - 50 points
- Conduct experiments with 7 different willow candy cans for two years
iron badge
iron badge to be determined another day