metal working
instruction, regulation, insurance, safety, etc
Otis has a basic metal shop and is not shy about a bit of welding or grinding. He needs to know that you have at least a little
experience. Are you able to repair the brush hog when needed? He’s been thinking about re-mounting the jack on that old trailer - is that something you can even do? He once made a nice latch for the barn - have you ever done anything like that?
sand badge
5 points required, no duplication
build a kindling cracker - 4.5 points
poker - ½ point
tongs - ½ point
rmh scoop - ½ point
metal rack to hold a poker, a set of tongs and an rmh scoop - ½ point
make a twisting wrench - ½ point
weld two hooks or chain clevises to a tractor bucket - ½ point
weld a trailer ball to a tractor implement - ½ point
beefy set of shelf brackets - 1 point
fix a crack in a tool - ½ point
marshmallow or hot dog fork for campfire - 1 point (2 if SS)
Dress up a mushroomed chisel or splitting wedge - ½ point
make a center punch - ½ point
chicken funnel - ½ point
solar oven reflectors - ½ point
straw badge
Welding list (complete at least seven points and at least 4 different items):
should mainly be constructed by gas or arc welding
Make a guillotine fuller - 3 points
Make a spring fuller - 1 point
Make four matching angle braces (broader than 90 degrees) to attach legs to a platform (
deer stand,
water tower, etc) - 2 points
Welded digging fork - 1 point
Sawhorse brackets for two wooden sawhorses - 2 points
Door latch - 1 point
Make a gouge for making log bee houses - 1 point
Forging list (complete at least seven points and at least 5 different items):
Projects should mainly be constructed by forging
Set of tongs with rivet and drawn out handles (no flat stock with twist) - 2 points
Forge and heat treat two punches or hot chisels or one of each (show they aren’t brittle) - 1 point
Nice fire poker - 1 points
Nice gate handle - 1 points
Drawknife - 3 points
Hardy hole tool - 1 points
Forged digging fork - 3 points
Forge a spring fuller - 1 point
Log peeling spud - 2 points
Tomahawk head from railroad spike (ready for handle) - 2 points
Decent knife from railroad spike or file - 2 points
Heat treat a homemade knife and prove it - 1 point
Hand trowel - 2 points
Hinge - 2 points
Holdfast - 1 point
2 wingnuts or other hand tightened nuts - 2 points
Repoint and harden/temper a pointy tool (pick, mattock, etc) without removing any metal - 2 points
20 nails - 2 points
Branding iron (for leather or wood) - 3 points
Utility grade broad axe - 3 points
Utility grade adze - 2 points
Utility grade froe - 2 points
Utility grade gouge - 2 points
Shop list (complete at least seven points and at least 4 different items):
Crude forge - 1 point
Prep coil spring to use for 6 punches/chisels - 1 point
Crude anvil on a stump - 1 point
Sturdy metal work table - 2 points
Make a sheet metal hand brake - 1 point
Rebar drawer/door handle (flattened ends) - 1 point
Nail heading plate - 2 points
Stamp with initials to mark metal - 2 points
Sheet metal list (complete at least seven points and at least 5 different items):
Water trough or pan - 2 points
Nice RMH ash scoop - 1 point
Nice dustpan - 1 point
Grain scoop - 1 point
Squirrel/raccoon guard for a post - 1 point
Pinwheel or spiral wind spinner to scare birds from growies - 1 point
Copper flower - 1 point
Sink a small bowl or spoon - 2-6 points
Gravity powered fan - 2 points for Sheet Metal, 4 points for Other
Lamp shade - 3 points
Reflector style camp stove (redirects heat from campfire to cook) - 4 points
Chicken feeder - 2 points
Storage box without lid - 2 points
Storage box with lid - 4 points
Chimney cap - 4 points
Berry picker hand scoop - 1 point
Berry picker standing scoop - 2 points
Mailbox - 2 points
Other list (complete at least seven points and at least 5 different items):
Make, grind, polish and stamp a name tag or key fob - 1 point
Solder some garden art (flowers, etc) from copper - ½-4 points
Sand cast anything from aluminum (bigger than a golf ball) - 2 points
Cut a sign from metal, torch or plasma (8” by 18” min) - 1 points
Copper tongs - 2 points
Copper shishi odoshi - 3 points
Campfire tripod and hanging grill (buy grill and bulk chain, make/assemble the rest) - 2 points
Assemble firearm from purchased components - 2 points
Draw down the diameter of a piece of wire with a draw plate - 1 point
Make a 6 oz ingot of metal other than lead - 2 points
wood badge
180 points required
Oddball points allowed
Welding list:
Projects should mainly be constructed by gas or arc welding, one
project needs to be from metal other than steel
At least 30 points required:
At least 3 new items from
Straw list
At least 4 items from this list:
Build a trailer (4x6 or bigger) - 8-24 points
Make a welding table - 8-16 points
Two matching metal sawhorses - 4 points
Work stand (vertically adjustable “T” that screws down into tripod legs) - 4 points
Exhaust system for a vehicle - 3-6 points
Make a length of chain with 10 links - 3 points
J tube rocket engine (twofer with Rocket badge) - 4 points
Decorative arbor or entry for a gate - 8-16 points
Functional gate - 4 points
Pretty gate - 8-16 points
Bicycle frame - 8 points
Forging list:
Projects should mainly be constructed by forging
At least 30 points required:
At least 3 new items from Straw list
At least 4 items from this list:
All the hardware for a door (hinges, latch, knob), no lock - 6-18 points
Custom hammer (hardened) - 2 points
Beautiful door knocker - 3-9 points
Beautiful door handle - 3-9 points
10 punches/drifts/chisels - 3 points
Beautiful axe - 4-12 points
C-clamp - 4 points
Shovel - 6 points
Decorative and functional spindles for 10’ of railing - 6-18 points
Make a length of chain with 10 links (forge welding) - 5 points
Soup ladle from one piece of metal (food safe) - 3 points
1 place setting of tableware fork/knife/spoon (food safe) - 4-8 points
High quality broad axe - 4 points
High quality adze - 3 points
High quality froe - 3 points
High quality gouge - 3 points
Two person log tong (swivel or pinching)- 4 points
Sheet metal list:
At least 30 points required:
At least 3 new items from Straw list
At least 3 items from this list:
Custom bike fender - 4 points
Custom ductwork for hvac system (20') - 8 points
Raise a small bowl - 4-12 points
Watering can - 8-16 points
Copper pot/kettle/pan - 8-16 points (counts for Other or Forging)
Urine diverter for willow feeder - 5 points
Other list:
At least 30 points required:
At least 1 new items from Straw Shop list
At least 1 new items from Straw Other list
At least 4 items from this list:
Keyed lock - 8-24 points
Safe box that is pretty- 4-12 points
Make a gun barrel - 10 points
Make a firearm - 30-90 points
Smelt iron from ore - 50 points
Make a heat powered wood stove fan - 20 points
Veggie oil foundry - 4 points
Japanese box bellows - 8 points
Treadle hammer - 20 points
Build a welder - 8 points
Build a plasma cutter - 16 points
Nice cutting table - 8 points
Turn down a brake rotor - 2 points
Stamp with artistic touchmark to mark metal - 3 points
Timber tool - 16 points
Log arch - 12 points
iron badge
1030 points required
Oddball points allowed
Welding list:
Projects should be primarily but not necessarily entirely constructed by welding.
At least 100 points required:
At least 3 new items from
Wood level
1 project must be with aluminum and one with stainless steel.
Remaining points can come from additional items done from Straw and Wood lists, plus these items if you'd like:
Hammer patch and weld a hole in a truck - 8 points
Large smoker - 30 points
Large trailer - 40 points
Convert a vehicle to wood or charcoal gasification - 80 points
- Street legal, capable of 60mph and 40 mile range
Convert a tractor or garden tractor to charcoal gasification - 40 points
- Capable of 6 hrs run time
Small trailer with walking suspension - 40 points
Large trailer with walking suspension - 60 points
Large solar panel mounting system (braces, not just clips) 60+ square feet - 20 points
Forging list:
Projects should be primarily but not necessarily entirely constructed by forging.
At least 100 points required:
At least 3 new items from Wood level
Remaining points can come from additional items done from Straw and Wood lists, plus these items if you'd like:
Beautiful fire tool set - 16-48 points
Iron/steel gate (think 1700’s Europe) - 80-240 points
Elegant spindles for 10’ railing - 12-36 points
Chandelier - 40-120 points
Nice Candelabra or pair of candlesticks - 16 points
Coach light - 8 points
Sheet metal list:
At least 100 points required. They can come from additional items done from Straw and Wood lists, plus these items if you'd like:
Beautiful hammered copper sink (food safe) - 40 points
Steel wok - 40 points
Other list:
At least 100 points required. They can come from additional items done from Straw and Wood lists, plus these items if you'd like:
Make a mid size lathe - 100 points
Convert a vehicle to electric (joint project with Electricity) - 65 points
- Street legal, capable of 60mph and 40 mile range
- also earns 40 points of Electricity
Convert a motorcycle or dirt bike to electric (joint project with Electricity) - 12 points
- Street legal, capable of 20 mile range
- also earns 20 points of Electricity
Convert a tractor to electric (joint project with Electricity) - 65 points
- Capable of 6 hrs run time
- also earns 40 points of Electricity
Large articulating solar panel system ala
Solar Leviathan (joint project with Electricity)- 40 points
- 40+ square feet of panels
- also earns 40 points of Electricity