Most landlords dislike major changes to their properties by the renter. Therefore the experiences in this badge focuses on things you can do without upsetting a concerned landlord.
Complete 6 points
PEP Electricity
BB done to the PEP standard
- A few possibilities to consider:
Create a micro heater bubble 1 point
Replacing a bathroom fan switch with a timer ½ point
Repair a light switch ½ point
Install a permanent light fixture 110v ac ½ point
Put a new end on an extension cord ½ point
Repair a lamp - ½ point
Label the breakers on an electrical panel - ½ point
Set up an emergency back-up battery system that is always charged - 1 point
Document electrical usage of 12 devices with a Kill-A-Watt - 2 points
Craft a miniaturized solar water pump - 1 point
Craft a small and portable DC only solar system - 2.5 points
Build a lamp - 1 point
Under Construction
Under construction
Under construction