I said I'd do the goat milking BB and here I am. I milked Daisy, Lucy and Pearl to get over a quart of milk. I probably could have got it all off of one goat but I'm not that good yet.
Empty bucket with Pearl at the ready
Milking in progress
Milk filtered into a measuring cup - well over a quart!
Here's my submission for this BB. I milked a goat and am including pictures of:
- me and an empty bucket beneath the goat
- me milking the goat
- me and the bucket full of the appropriate quantity of milk
- bonus pic of the milk in a quart jar to show quantity
I submit for your consideration my first BB: milking my goats.
- picture of empty pail under the goat, ready to milk
- action shot of the milking
- filtering and getting the milk ready for the fridge
- milk from both does combined (just short of a gallon, 7.368 lbs of milk - I keep records).
Empty bucket under goat, ready to milk
Milking in action
Milk from both does - nearly a gallon
a new permaculture fledgling that needs to learn lots
Okay, going for my first BB. Hoping my YouTube video is good enough evidence? I milk 3 of my goats with a homemade (not by me) milk machine because my hands hurt too badly to do them all by hand. It's kinda long but you can get the idea.
Do what you want, but don't hurt yourself and don't hurt anyone else