This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Greywater and Willow Feeders.
For this Badge Bit you will re-route a house that drains to a sewer system into a (poor man’s?) septic tank and then a collection of mulch pits instead.
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
report on entire greywater system load, and how the mulch pits are big
enough for this load
mulch pits are a different BB
add signage at every fixture telling people that this fixture drains to a greywater system. Explain what is and is not okay to put down the drain.
kitchen sink signs need to mention the value of filtering chunky bits
all of the existing toilets must be replaced with indoor willow feeders
willow feeders are a different BB
Re route the main drain line to point to a septic tank, and then to mulch pits
Need the ability to easily convert back to the old sewer
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must show proof of the following (as pictures or a
video < 2 mins):
- show before, progress, and after of rerouting a house that drains to a sewer system into a septic tank and then a collection of mulch pits instead
- demonstrate that it meets the above requirements