Green Planet Films is a non-profit distributor of Nature, Environment, and Human Ecology Films. Their mission is to advocate environmental education, with an emphasis on film, to an evolving global audience. They connect and engage viewers with filmmakers dedicated to documenting the precarious relationships between nature and humanity. Sample topics include deforestation, water resources, ocean conservation, sustainable fishing, renewable energies, climate change and other issues that affect humanity in the context of itself and nature.
This is part 3 of the Sepp Holzer's 3-in-1 Permaculture documentary videos (Farming, Terraces, and Aquaculture) that you can find Here
This video covers a wide range of water topics, not just raising fish. There is discussion of self-sustaining aquatic life that produces fish for market, how Sepp creates these ponds with both pigs and machinery, and the different types of ponds and water systems he employs on his land. Not only are there deep ponds for fish, but shallow wetlands where frogs and other natural food for the fish naturally breed and naturally move to the deeper ponds. Sepp explains his use of pumps and pipes to generate power, pump clean water without any electricity, move water from one pond to another to regulate temperature, and extend the growing season by spraying the crops with water. Sepp explains why he does not irrigate, and how he avoids it, as well as the role that stumps and rocks play in the creation of healthy aquatic ecosystems.
You can find the complete set of of these documentaries HERE for $15: