Children, Rabbits, Chickens, Bees
Someone flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: Needs to be a bit nicer to satisfy the "Looks nice when done" requirement. Gap in the middle of the left side as well
Kevin's offshoot of PEX:
Someone flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Can you share a photo of the removed caulk before applying the new stuff? This BB is for "replacing" grout/caulk
Kevin's offshoot of PEX:
Cargo bikes are cool
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Note: I actually have an old tub destined to become a worm farm. Yay worms.
Am I scavenger-hunting right?
Megan Palmer approved this submission.
Err on the side of action 🐎
Luke Mitchell approved this submission.
Note: Nice images but I did struggle to see the details. Could you provide them in a higher res next time? Looks like a neat sealant job either way
“Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with colored flowers and herbs” St. Francis of Assisi
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
"Never take counsel of your fears."
Carla Burke approved this submission.
Someone approved this submission.
"How do you balance production with perfection?"
For more creations and tom foolery come visit at
Paul Fookes approved this submission.
Note: I certify this BB complete. Well done
Jeremy VanGelder approved this submission.
My cellmate was this tiny ad:
heat your home with yard waste and cardboard