Hi there! My name is Josh.
My wife, Carolyn, and I live on a 40-acre homestead in Idaho and are parents to 11 beautiful children.
Returning to our roots changed our life. Naturally, we’re ridiculously passionate about sharing these old-fashioned skills with others who want to simplify their modern lives.
You see, those of us pursuing resiliency are a little bit different – we're independent thinkers. At the same time, we know learning from those who have gone before, just makes good, practical sense.
We thrive around others who see things as we do. Community and connection make life easier.
This event is our way of bringing both to your living room! 15 much-loved and widely respected experts in one (virtual) room so you can learn from them without joining multiple classes or spending hundreds of dollars.
Bees love me, fish fear me.
Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Permies.com Works
Sarah Perl wrote:Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to hear these speakers. I am really interested in fermentation methods. ALL THE BEST & THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR A SUCCESSFUL SUMMIT. Sarah
Perfect The Dwelling Land
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Please do not shoot the fish in this barrel. But you can shoot at this tiny ad:
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