This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEM curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
While building a house may be out of reach at the moment, let's get some practice putting together smaller structures. One critical step is the roof. There are many styles of roofing so let's experiment with some. Let's put on a metal roof!
Here's a guy putting a metal roof on a shed:
Minimum requirements:
- Install a metal roof on a building (new construction)
- At least 100 square feet
- At least 2" overhang on downhill edges
- Some overhang or rake trim metal on the rake edges
Provide proof of the following as pictures or
video (<2 min):
- The roof structure in need of roof metal
- Metal partially installed
- Roof metal installed
- Close-up view of trim or overhangs