In this comprehensive webinar, Natalie Bogwalker, the visionary behind Wild Abundance, details the background, pros, and cons of 9 different earthen wall systems: adobe, rammed earth, cob, earthbag, slip straw, hempcrete, log, cordwood, and strawbale. Natalie has experimented with what kinds of natural building techniques really work, and she shares all that wisdom about where, when, and why to use each one with you.
Who is Wild Abundance?
Natalie and her team of instructors at Wild Abundance bring together the worlds of natural building and tiny house building that you can’t find anywhere else. This webinar is only a small slice of the 10 modules that are included in her onlineclass, Tiny House Academy.
The comprehensive online program is like a perfectly organized toolbox that’s full to the brim! It covers: tool use and construction basics, natural building techniques well-suited for tiny houses, systems like electrical and plumbing, and how to save money on your build. You’ll learn how to design your tiny house, decide whether to build on wheels or on a foundation, what regulatory constraints may apply to you, and more. Plus, you’ll get a clear understanding of energy-efficient options like passive solar design and solar electric. The basic steps of how to build a house are the same, no matter its size. We explain and demystify this process so that you can truly understand and feel confident embarking on your own build.
Natalie Bogwalker is the visionary behind Wild Abundance, and has been a primary instructor for women’s carpentry classes and the Natural Building and Tiny House Workshop, among other classes. She’s passionate about teaching and sharing practical skills to help all kinds of people feel more confident, empowered, and capable. Natalie has also taught at the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, the MAPS Meet, Earthskills Rendezvous, the Organic Grower’s School, Florida State University, Southern Adventist University, Tulane University, Ohio University, Vanderbilt University, Western Washington University, and others. Natalie was also featured in Morgan Spurlock’s documentary Freedom in America and appeared in the National Geographic series: Live Free or Die, in an episode titled “Butchers and Builders.” She and Wild Abundance have been featured in many publications and podcasts.
For a small taster of the Tiny House Academy course, the Earthen Walls Webinar, look no further!