The Fundle includes resources to help you reach your goals of low-tech, practical mycelium application. Learn all about mycelium insulation and growing mushrooms at home through webinars, interviews, videos and a set of 3D plans to get you started! As a bonus, you'll also learn about proenekke hinges!
$129 worth of digital content for only $65
Thanks to our contributing authors and creators for making this such a great deal!
What's inside:
1. Extended Interview - Mycelium Insulation
From the Low Tech Laboratory Movie the unedited, full-length extended interview in HD streaming with Beau Davidson on Mycelium Insulation. This half-hour-long interview goes into further detail about Beau's projects, mycelium insulation and proenekke hinges.
HD Streaming; Duration: 29 minutes
2. Mycoinsulation Webinar Recording: Grow-Your-Own Insulation While Farming Valuable Mushroom Crops
Beau hates boring stuff, so this won't be boring. It's really more like a party. A webinar-party. A webinarty? Cool, lets go with that.
In this webinarty, participants are encouraged to top up their favorite cup with their favorite beverage, have some snacks ready, and jump right in to the wild and wonderful world of hi-fidelity, low-technology mushroom mycelium insulation.
HD Streaming; Duration: 90 minutes
3. Wooden Door with Mycelium Insulation and Proenneke Hinge - 3D plans
This is a step by step guide plan for a wooden door with mycelium insulation and a Proenneke hinge designed by Beau Davidson and made during the
Permaculture Technology
Jamboree 2022 at
Wheaton Labs and part of the Low Tech Laboratory Movie.
33 pages, PDF download.
4. Live Webinar: Well Pump House Roof Mycoinsulation
Beau Davidson wrote:Last month, we finished constructing a mycoinsulated roof for the new well pumphouse at Wheaton Labs. It came out pretty neat! Join us as we talk about all things mycoinsulation, cedar shake shingles, wool insulation, using what you have, non-toxic building, site-contextualized construction, hyper-local material sourcing, community-based and builder-led architecture, the Permaculture Bootcamp, the Permaculture Technology Jamboree, and whatever else we wanna get into.
The presentation will run for about an hour, then we can spend another 30 minutes at least in convo / q&a / brainstorm, if y'all want to. I love these things, because they are always very generative, and present many new perspectives and ideas.
Live at August 19th at 10 am MT
5. Home Mushroom Cultivation Class by Fungi Ally
It is more important than ever to have a resilient food system and be producing fresh food at home. This course will introduce and dive into 8 different methods of cultivation that can easily be done at home with no special equipment or technical skills. You will go over the common mushrooms that are cultivated, what exactly mushrooms/fungi are, and how we can relate to them to provide benefit for us, our community, and the
land we grow on. This course is for anyone interested in growing or finding mushrooms for themselves and their family with a little extra for their community. It could be 2-20 pounds weekly or a couple pounds every couple of weeks.
HD Streaming; 3 Sessions; Total Duration: 265 minutes