The only reason I bought PIE was to contribute to the internet, and server costs. I'd appreciate some financial transparency in where the money goes. Maybe a public pie graph once a year in one of the private forums of property taxes, wages, internet, and such?
culture to be permanent, homesteaders to the fore, bring life and joy, salvation and harmony
If Permies goes down, where will I post my BBs?? #ForOtis
(anonymous user)
#5, stay alive (need more input?)
hey look - 420! sorry I had to when I saw it.
what if the robots doing captchas are just looking for their family?
I love you all! Here's some help!
My favourite server is the one that serves PIE with fresh cream. Count me in.
Late to the party... My humble donation for new permies server
We can?t work without a server. Hope you get enough
I'm so grateful for Permies!
(anonymous user)
If you would have accepted my MacPlus donation when I first joined, the system still would be rock solid! :-)
Nothing is over until we say it is!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
keep up the good work!
Fl permie
Good luck!
Though I've not really been part of the community for a while, this is still a worthy cause.
Tina Wolf
Go forth and prosper :)
Need you to keep going!
(anonymous user)
I like the comedies add on?
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
? Way better investment return than most stocks??
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
The whole world needs Not everyone knows it yet
Happy to help support such a valuable resource
Helping to make Permies permanent
As long as the server wears a tuxedo, I'm in!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
I?m busy infecting minds in VA!
Thank you for teaching us how to hold up the sky, both together, and alone.
Love and Pie from Ash and Arthur
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Keep the Love Alive
(anonymous user)
I appreciate what you are doing for permaculture!
(anonymous user)
keep going lemme know if you want any db help/expertise - cheers!
(anonymous user)
Just in case, for a rainy day, bit of a cushion...and because I can't live without Permies
(anonymous user)
Let's keep permies online!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
I hope this helps. Thanks for all you do.
(anonymous user)
Happy to help, keep up the good work!
Gotta feed the hamsters!
There's always something!
(anonymous user)
Hoping this helps.
Folks all around the world read the forums for free-including me. Now it is time to give to keep going!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
May you permies be with us. Always
thanks for keeping the dream alive. we can be nice to each other and garden
The same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world.
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
I love being able to search any topic and see what other Permies have done.
(anonymous user)
Permies forever!
permies feeds my soul
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Keep the lights on! ElCocoLoco
Heimdall, Hugin and Munin
Permies is a friendly place and makes me feel not so alone in my values and interests, up here in Ontario, Canada. I love hearing about other people's experiences, including the kooky stuff that happens. It pretty much IS a community, which is a marvel to find. Be well everyone, and a huge thank you, respect and honour to the folks that run Permies forum and the property, as you make a real real difference in the lives of so many people. I still have to find the donate button, after I submit this post.
Wannabe farmer seeks mud and blood!
Thanks yall for what you do.
Viper's bugloss is a cool plant.
A little help to keep Permies growing!
(anonymous user)
If anything on the internet is worth supporting, it's Permies!
Permaculture robots should be built on RC car chassis, not tractors.
esto no puede parar
This meager amount brings you over the top. Thank you to all that make Permies possible!
(anonymous user)
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(anonymous user)
Only $137 left to goal, wahoo!
(anonymous user)
Thank you for the expansive forums from which glean endless fruitful tidbits!!
I read your posts most every day, and wish I could give more in every way, but I hope we all will stepup and pay for a new server cause you need ir RIGHT AWAY! :)
(anonymous user)
Love from VT
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
All hail the serverbot overlords!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Thank you for this great site!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Love y?all & grateful for all the great info shared
(anonymous user)
Hope you can get an excellent and very upgradeable server!
Thank you for being you
A very small price to pay for all the great, free, permies content.
(anonymous user)
Take this, and with it share more.
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Deep breathe, Paul to git yer stress down and let's get er done! Best to all.
(anonymous user)
Keep changing the world every day with Permies!
Let?s keep it going!
"You gotta give!!" - Tim Robinson
(anonymous user)
still need to download all the content I bought!
(anonymous user)
Permies helps us all. Forums galore to explore. Thank you for it all.
Go Permies!
Just a small bit to help
(anonymous user)
Love you!
make it awesomer, my garden thanks you
(anonymous user)
So grateful for Permies and the people here.
So good to know permies is there, solid as a rock, even if I'm fading in and out - thank you so much for all you do!
permbot gpt
Thank you everyone!
(anonymous user)
Let's go!
Helping to keep the lights on.
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
This site is invaluable to me!
Keep up the good work
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Gotta keep Permies going!
(anonymous user)
Wish it could be more.
Because ? shit happens
Servers Rule!
(anonymous user)
PDC graduate in 2021. Converting my ranch to permaculture step by step in California's High Mojave Desert. I give tours here to show permaculture in action. I also give permaculture talks to garden groups.
Rudy Valvano
This is the way
maybe it's time to switch to a peer-to-peer app -- that feels very permie to me :)
just keep swimmin
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
In servertude...
(anonymous user)
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(anonymous user)
Fuck hidden fees, after-the-fact taxes, and other comedic nonsense!!!
We're a community - I need you guys! Thanks for doing to hard work of keeping things going
Thank you for your work in the world
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Go go gadget bonus!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Just to support that better world! (in a modest way)
thanks permies!
(anonymous user)
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I don?t use Permies much these days, but neither can I say goodbye. Not much of a donation, but I guess every little bit helps, right?
(anonymous user)
Old Guy
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
I like this Gift Economy stuff
I hope to someday have a garden or land which I can use this info in the future. I am investing here in that future!
(anonymous user)
I wish I could give more but squeaky right now. From one of your MAGA not quite totally permie but love the forum anyway!
(anonymous user)
Keep on keepin' on, permie people!
(anonymous user)
Permies today, Permies forever!!
(anonymous user)
Make it so!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
I'll shill the noodles out of this if you accept Bitcoin Cash (BCH) contributions
Here's to World Domination!
thank you
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Thanks, Paul & Co., for all you do. Thanks especially for creating this site where so many fantastic, creative minds share their knowledge and inspiration, and humor!, so we can change the world one garden at a time. Long live the new and mighty server!
Every little bit helps, right?
May the force be with us!
Old druid. New Server. Cosmic Balance.
for the support and encouragement on my RMH project
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Thanks and best wishes!
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
Thank you!
(anonymous user)
Thanks permies!
(anonymous user)
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Little Forest Garden, Jamestown IN
(anonymous user)
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A.N.D Ecovillage
(anonymous user)
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(anonymous user)
Definitely a worthy cause! Sending well wishes for a smooth transition.
I support this website and love it so much that I'm giving my last $5 that could go towards some food scraps instead of this. But I believe in this website so I'm going to give everything I have to try to help keep it alive.
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
my little towards plenty with loads of love
Alex Pine
Keep up the good stuff!
Not much but something. It all adds up.
(anonymous user)
(anonymous user)
im on ssi and want to help again on the 1st
(anonymous user)