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Credit: Cassie Langstraat
Paul sits down with Davin Hoyt who has listened to every single one of the
podcasts. He mentions how if anyone listens to all the podcasts, they can make a list of questions (that cover stuff not in the previous podcasts), and he will sit down with you and answer those questions in a new podcast.
Paul starts out by talking about the wheelie bin
poopers and the evolution of their titles. He says that the title he prefers right now is “The Willow Bank”. This comes from the idea that the soil that comes from the poop from the pooper
will feed willows or cottonwoods. Paul get into how the stuff coming out of your butt isn’t waste, and how we need to optimize systems to re-use it.
Jocelyn chimes in by noting that the poopers are not outhouses and they’re not
composting toilets, just for any of the pod people who weren’t aware of that. The poop goes into a bin and the bin is closed for 2 years. It then gets opened and that soil will be put at the bottom of willow tree.
They continue to talk much more about the
poopers they have at the labs and how they’ve evolved, and how they all think they could be improved. Then they move into talking about the
pee palace and how to optimize it for women.
Next they get into Davin’s questions. His first one was: Where do
gappers stay?
The answer is essentially: one of the many different locations at the lab and base camp. Sometimes there will be gappers that come to help the
ants at
ant village, and there are gobs of places to pitch a tent there. Then they move into talking about money and the fees associated with that.
In the last part of this first section, Davin asks about
Wofati Stuff. Even though there was lots of talk about them, there were still things he didn’t understand. His first question is about annualized thermal inertia. Specifically, about the placement of the masses that give off the temperatures that allow for thermal inertia. They talk about
Allerton Abbey (the first wofati) and the large masses on the left and right, behind the wing walls. Paul discusses how to test how well the thermal inertia works. Lastly, they talk about
Mike Oehler and all of his philosophies and the deal with visiting him.
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The $50 and Up Underground House Book by Mike Oehler
More Compost Toilets
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