Took me an entire day on and off to get this done! In Japan most toilets and bathrooms are separate, so this was two different rooms for me - three if you count the shower/bathtub room separate from the face washing/towel room. We regularly clean the floors, toilet, sink, and counter, so they aren't that disgusting to begin with. I gave particular attention to a few places that had accumulated some grime. And I haven't found a solution for keeping the in-shower mirror clear - it always gets foggy/deposits.
To complete this
BB, the minimum requirements are:
- clean a bathroom
- before and after pics of
- toilet
- sink/counter
- floor
- tub/shower
- mirror
- report on what cleaners were used
- at least 80% is completed with warm water and elbow grease
- remainder with grey water friendly cleaners
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
- post a before picture of: toilet, sink,/counter, floor, tub/shower, and mirror
- post an after picture of: toilet, sink,/counter, floor, tub/shower, and mirror
- post a report on what cleaners you used
Toilet and floor before and after 1
Before and after 2

Toilet detail 1 before and after

Sink and counter before and after

Sink basin detail before and after

Floor of face washing room before and after

and example floor detail before and after

Shower room before and after

Tub before and after

Mirror before and after

Cleaner report:
I used elbow grease, baking soda, and rice vinegar. Baking soda helped with the grime in the shower. Vinegar helped with the sink faucet.