Permies Book Promotions - Information for Authors and Publishers
We schedule Promotions for any topic that we feel will appeal to our users. We do not do Promotions on topics unrelated to
permaculture or
sustainable living. We prefer to do promotions on new titles, that is, published within the last six months. If the product is of particular interest, we may make an exception to this guideline.
Checkout our
Past book and dvd promotions
Permies Provides
A promotion on the biggest
permaculture forum on the web. We get about 44,000 visits per day.
An email announcement at the start to permies Weekly-ish email list, which is currently going out to over 73,000 Permies users.
An announcement on permies
Facebook page that reaches 14,000 people.
Staff involvement to assist the Author.
Selection and announcement of the winners and collection of the winners' email addresses.
Publisher Expectations
Coordinate the scheduling of Promotions between Permies staff and Authors. Note that we request three weeks notice in advance of the promo to set things up.
Announce the promotion on social media pages, websites and email lists sharing the link to the promotion.
To send out four
books, one to each address (anywhere in the world) of four winners that we have selected for the promotion. This is to be coordinated directly between the book promotion winners and the publisher.
Provide at least one book for review (or manuscript if the book isn't published yet) with Permies staff or one of our top book reviewers (hint: the more reviews you have, the higher up the review grid your book is listed). Reviews can be scheduled by emailing
Book Review Coordinator. - books AT richsoil DOT com
The reviews will be published on our
Book review grid, that grows constantly and has more than 150 titles already on it.
Author Setup Steps
Set up your user Profile in the Forums area and fill in as much information as possible.
Add a signature to the Authors profile that will promote your book.
Author Expectations
The week before the promotion: create an account, write one post, work with our staff to make sure that your account has a good signature and reflects your author status. Spend about an hour familiarizing yourself with our culture.
During the promotion: spend about an hour a day (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) commenting on threads in the designated forum. You are welcome to start new threads if you like.
Author announces the event on their social media.
The general scenario breaks down to:
The Author expresses an interest in doing a promotion for a given date.
If Permies is interested in promoting the book, the Publisher and Permies staff schedule it.
The Author creates his/her profile.
The Author adds a signature to their profile promoting their book.
The Author spends time familiarizing themselves with the Forums.
Permies staff send out announcements of the promotion.
Publishers and Authors send out an announcement of the promotion.
From Tuesday through Thursday, the Author answers questions in the chosen forum, promoting the book.
On Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, permies staff picks the winners and they have 24 hours to reply with their contact details which we forward to the publisher.
The Publisher mails a copy of the book to each winner.