Submission for greywillow sand
urine bb
I have been collecting all my urine (while at home) for about 3 months thanks to Paul's podcast.
Thanks to this bb I've learned that my asparagus would appreciate an application or two but that my garlic would not...perhaps I
should reconsider how closely I plant them considering their needs.
I have decided to nitrohydrate the 2nd year asparagus in a
raised bed near the neighbor's property line. Being that it was close to her view I decided to go with the non direct stream approach.
Also I dont know if comfrey is a "pee loving plant" but for the past 3 weeks I have been providing urine undiluted to one comfrey plant and
water of the same amount to another about 5 feet away both facing southwest in the same bed. Both planted from the same crown cutting on the same day last year.
pee plant has shown exuberant growth.
I do not have a control plant for this little experiment and it is an extremely small test group.
Also my son decided to plant beans all around the plant that is not doing as well(no urine)
So there are quite a few factors that could have caused this issue however I believe that comfrey is a pee lover!
The pee plant is doing drastically better