Ken Peavey wrote:Joe I'm on Suwannee Valley Road, about 3 miles south of town.
I read some of your posts, said you were in the Tampa area.
Mar Barak wrote:Is anyone in the Gainesville FL area? I am looking at small commercial rental spaces for growing and selling.
would like to find people to work with on any project.
Ken Peavey wrote:Lookit: a whole log seat made with a chainsaw.
Ken Peavey wrote:I'm looking for a suitable video camera to make videos.
I need to put together some short videos, up to 5 minutes in length. These would be used on youtube, kickstarter, and a farmsteading website that should be up within the next few weeks.
Leela Robinson wrote:Does anyone have experience growing mushrooms in N Central Florida?
We are looking to relocate in southern Columbia County, near High Springs and Gainesville.