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Tony Bigler

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since Jun 25, 2012
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Thanks for the replies.

@John Polk:
Thanks for those two links. Although not quite what I'm looking for, they are very interesting, especially the "Landscaping for Wildlife" one.

@Brenda Groth:
Thanks for the link to your blog. It does sound like there are some similarities in our Hardiness Zones, however, after looking at your photos, it appears your area has significantly more moisture than mine.

I'll be checking out the "Rockies" section of the forum. From a casual perusal, I don't spot any other central Utahns right off, but maybe I just need to dig around more.
12 years ago
I'd like to put together a list of edible plants for some permaculture guilds that would work in the area just south of Provo, Utah. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if there's someone out there that has already done some legwork in this regard. I've tried doing web searches for guild lists for this area, but have found nothing. The region I'll be working in is Hardiness zone 5a. Rainfall averages around 2 inches per month, but it frequently goes longer than a month with no precipitation (0 inches) in the summer.

If you're living in or lived in this area and have a list of what works, or know where I can find a list like that, please let me know. Otherwise, I may have to start trial-and-error from scratch, which I'd really like to avoid. Thanks.
12 years ago