Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Kittie McCardle

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since Oct 10, 2012
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Recent posts by Kittie McCardle

hai neighbor  Im in Augusta area
2 years ago
Hi, I reside in the CSRA are of GA /Sc area. and I reside alone and visually disabled.  I was hoping i could get recommends of someone who services my area to help me build a greenhouse as I am unable to do so by myself and have no family, or people to help me do so. So, hiring out is my only option.

I've researched for years and know what i want, have funds now, just need to find someone(s) who has the skills and time to help come make my dreams get completed, finally. Thank you

2 years ago
I can tell you online dating is horrible.

Us singles introverts or very removed from cities , might try them as last ditch option, but I find it discourages more than success rates.

6 years ago
I'm in Augusta. I'm very new to all this BUT if i can be of service and learn form the more experienced I would love to.

12 years ago