Lindsay Rebhan

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since Jan 15, 2013
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Minnesota Wisconsin Zone 2-5
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Here are pine understory polyculture plants: there are a lot more and especially if you are in warmer zones than MN...You could also search in Plants for a Future Database for shady, acidic and dry soils. I haven't planted it myself but a Lingonberry too, if you can get more sun and water to the site.

Rhododendron Rhododendron PJM
Cinnimon Fern Osmunda cinnamomea
Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis
Ostrich Fern Matteuccia struthiopteris
Yew 'Emerald Spreader' Taxus cuspidata 'Monloo'
Currant Ribes 'Redlake'
Blueberry northblue Vaccinium 'Northblue'
Blueberry northcountry Vaccinium 'Northcountyr'
Bunchberry Cornus canadensis
Gooseberry Ribes missouriensis
Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum
Wild Ginger Asarum canadense
Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis
Forget-Me-Not Jack-Frost false forget-me-not
Rue Anemonie Anemone thalictoides
Starflower Trientalis borealis
Wintergreen Gautheria procumbens
Baneberry Actea pachypoda
Redbud Northern Tree Cercis canadensis
Speckled Alder Alnus rugosa
11 years ago
Hi Steven,

My colleague Paula and I have a permaculture design business. We are located in Minneapolis and work on urban and rural sites, including small farms and homesteads outside of the cities in MN/WI. The business is Ecological Gardens, it was started in 2000. Paula Westmoreland is the owner of Ecological Gardens, co-founder of PRI Cold Climate and co-author of Perennial Lands. Depending on how far away you are we could help you with site assessment, schematic property design, detail plant design, implementation phases, sourcing, etc. We have a Design Questionnaire on our website, if you want to fill it out and we could follow up.


Yours in permaculture,
11 years ago
Hi Folks - I've been able to work with permies in MN for the last 10 years. Let's just say there are a lot of permies in MN!! I don't think they are necessarily on but they are definitely out there. Homesteaders, farmers, urban, rural, North Shore, Ely, Twin Cities, Central MN, South eastern MN. If you don't know PRI Cold Climate, check them out, events more Twin Cities based currently.
Center for Deep Ecology has the Gathering of the Guilds. Southwoods Center

The map is not very populated but if you are doing permaculture work - please add your pin to the MN Map:

yours in permaculture,
11 years ago
Bravo and thank you Mark for this outstanding book. It is perfect timing. I think the book also can bridge the mainstream farmers with the fringe producers.

Among the many dark issues we face in these times; GMO alfalfa, crumbling Farm Bill, Fracking etc. - I hope this book is a beacon to many about the viable solutions we have at our fingertips. Real food, real jobs supporting local communities.

There is much work to do. As I work and meet with folks, I am keenly aware of the areas we need to ramp up fast and hope the conversation leads us to action---> Main bottlenecks - or rather - Opportunities include 1) Nurseries / Seed Stock 2) Graziers / Human Capital 3) Creative Financial Models for start-up capital.

The New Agrarian Movement is here and I am thrilled. Now, let's get those food savannas going!

yours truly,
12 years ago