neil mock

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since Feb 14, 2013
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Thanks Jack,

Yes, when the two chemical solutions are the mixed,  you basically get water.  

The overflow will be into a ditch (grasslined),  that connects (~400 meters) to an oxbow lake.  which is basically isolated from the river.  In extreme events,  it will overflow into the river.  

8 years ago

im in the process of building a small brewery,  part of the regulations include a bathroom (flush toilet needed). no sewer onsite, the plant needs to be on septic.

the brewing (or cleaning) process uses some pretty harsh chemicals (and low concnetration).  we generate 50 liters of 2 ppm caustic soda,  50 liters of 2 ppm nitric acid, and 50 liters of a iodine based sanitizer~3 days/week.  by design, it kills microorganism, which will mean keeping a healthy septic system going difficult.

my current working plan is this.  basically having two systems, one for the toilet,  the second for the sinks/area drains of teh brewery.  The two stsyems would have a shared leach field/reed bed (more on this below).  i would like to design the primary box for teh chemical system to have a candy cane outlet.  letting a good amount of water  (100-200 liters) be stored, and when it reaches the fill point,  the entire box will be syphoned out and discharge to the leech field.  allowing to two cleaning chemicals to be mixed and to cool down.  the toilet  would have a sediment trap at the road (for cleanout of solids) and discharge to the same leach field.

leach field; we have about 30-50 cm of top soil and the sub soil is heavy clay (and sesonally high water table).  if this was going to be permitted in the US,  it would never  pass the perc test.  That is why i am thinking about a wetland/reed bed tretament, and over flow discharge.  i think the reedbed would be 1 m wide x 1 m deep x 2-3 m long, filled with gravel.  i would want to install a few baffles to slow down flow and limit short circuiting. overflow would go to a existing drainage ditch which connects to a abandoned oxbow meander.

ideas? comments? quetsions?


8 years ago
I have a friend that started a nut milk business. She makes almond, cashew, and coconut milk. She currently tosses the solids, I would like to collect it, and feed it to the pigs. To me, seems like a good source of protein and fiber. The current plan is to have her store it in lidded 5 gal buckets.

Some issues I have:
1) I'm only going to be able to collect the pulp 1x /week, so it might get a bit funky, is this a problem?
2) how much is too much for the pigs
8 years ago

9 years ago

i have a a gilt that was due feb 25 (3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days). her tits have started to swell, but i do not see any signs of her preparing a nest. i have her on pasture with several other gilts. when should i start worrying? what can i do besides watch?

9 years ago

another thing to consider, are they being raised (food, fence and housing) the way you plan on operating.
9 years ago

i am looking for a good recipe for a tobacco spray. i have the tobacco plant growing now, do i have to dry the leaves before making the spray, or will green leaves work? also, does it matter when i harvest the plants (while flowering or before?). all the recipes i have found involved using cigerettes (or butts), which i would like to avoid. thanks.

also, when i have your attention, any one use wormwood as an organic bug spary? thank you.
9 years ago

its a harness. he does not wear it all the time, only when we need to move him around. although, the bucket trained ones are much easier to move.
9 years ago

not heirloom, but raised on pasture (and garden waste)
9 years ago