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E. Iseli

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since Apr 10, 2013
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Tom OHern wrote:I have been working for years to get more moss in my lawn. That and clover. Why would I do this? The more moss and clover you have, the less you have to mow and water. How can you not want that?

Well, there's 2 things: one I like mowing the lawn, it's not that big so I don't mind the work. Plus it gives me material for mulching. Second, moss comes off much too easily when kids are playing on the lawn, and the bare spots look ugly. The clover you mention is not my favorite either because of its flowers. When the kids are playing barefoot in summer, the risk to get stung by bees. Don't get me wrong, I love bees and I have a small lot of garden with wild flowers.
11 years ago
Hi folks,

My first post here... I have moss in my lawn too. The street we're at being called "Moss Way" makes me think there must be a reason for it... I like grass so I do aerate and then I wonder what I should do with the collected biomass. I've read it's not a good idea to put it into the compost, and I really don't want to dispose it with the regular garbage and have it burnt along with it. So what could I do with all that material? Any ideas and hints highly welcome!

11 years ago