Johannes Wardenier

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since May 18, 2013
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Recent posts by Johannes Wardenier

Woody Chain, thanks for the update.
Lenny, keep the good work going.

Warm Regards,
9 years ago

You were right when you mentioned, how to increase efficency of metal burning units : small intense fires.
The cold senson in the Netherlands started, and I tried it. The result : more heat output and less wood consuption.
Its a little early to announce exact numbers but I guess : 30 % less wood consuption, maybe even more.

I wasn't familiar with this approach, but I am confinsed and encourage other people to try it. There fore this replay and thanks to Dale !

Warm Regards,
11 years ago
Hello Helena,

I follow your steps with great interest, and can learn from it for my build.

Photos, really help in understanding.

Helena, did the extension of insulation on the heatriser, solve the smoking problem ?
and the smoothening of the transistional area ?

Warm Regards,
11 years ago
Dear Allan,

don't feel the urgue to answer me as soon as possible. I can wait.
Like I once mentioned before, I really appreciate your comments !

Ianto is in his book mentions about how to construct the first cleanout/ashpit :
use scraps of 1/4 " or 1/8 " hardware cloth or expanded metal lath or scrap sheet metal. Curve the lath into place to fit the shape using several small pieces, and then plaster
your sand-clay very carefully over its surface. Add extra volume of space at this location, as it is a prime candidate for ash build-up and blockage. If possible leave an ash pit
here up to one-gallon cappacity. An alternative ---if less aerodynamic --- approach is to rough out the box in brick, then plaster it inside and out with cob, really smooth.

Not easy to construct in my firt opinion, so if there is an another alternative to it, then I would welcome it.

I was curious about your remark : 'about using 2 elbows where a single much
straighter one would be the way that I would have gone from the transition zone/clean out/Ash pit'
But I did not understand your explanation.

The easiest alternative I see, is as seen in : , which is a removable upper barrel. Therefore the first cleanout/ashpit can be left out.

Allan, 'for the good craft', take good care of your self, take your time and answer whenever fits you. I can wait.

Warm Regards,
11 years ago
Dear Allan,

don't feel the urgue to answer me as soon as possible. I can wait.
Like I once mentioned before, I really appreciate your comments !

Ianto is in his book mentions about how to construct the first cleanout/ashpit :
use scraps of 1/4 " or 1/8 " hardware cloth or expanded metal lath or scrap sheet metal. Curve the lath into place to fit the shape using several small pieces, and then plaster
your sand-clay very carefully over its surface. Add extra volume of space at this location, as it is a prime candidate for ash build-up and blockage. If possible leave an ash pit
here up to one-gallon cappacity. An alternative ---if less aerodynamic --- approach is to rough out the box in brick, then plaster it inside and out with cob, really smooth.

Not easy to construct in my firt opinion, so if there is an another alternative to it, then I would welcome it.

I was curious about your remark : 'about using 2 elbows where a single much
straighter one would be the way that I would have gone from the transition zone/clean out/Ash pit'
But I did not understand your explanation.

The easiest alternative I see, is as seen in : , which is a removable upper barrel. Therefore the first cleanout/ashpit can be left out.

Allan, 'for the good craft', take good care of your self, take your time and answer whenever fits you. I can wait.

Warm Regards,
11 years ago
Dear Allen

Could you please explain/illustrate what you ment by the redesign of Iantos RMH with a drawing/sketch or photos ?

Warm Regards

11 years ago
Yesterday a bumped in a solution of increasing the efficiency of a woodstove called intensifire :

Has anyone experiance with this solution ? or an installation manual ?

Warm Regards, Johannes
11 years ago
Bello Vincent and Allen,

Like you can see in the video of Paul, it suggests that E&E can remove the barrel by unclamping it. Two barrels attached ( clamped ), of which one barrel partionly used and embedded.

Would be easy cleaning. And makes it possible to skip the first clearance ?

Warm Regards Johannes
11 years ago
Thank you Allen for answering.
I also read your responses to other questions on this forum. A lot of interesting information to gain.
Thanks again, and thumbs up.

greeting Johannes.
11 years ago
Hello everybody,

Like I mentioned before, I purchased the book 'Rocket mass Heaters' by Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson.
I am really sattisfied with it. Lots of information.

Also a lot of information on this forum. Thumbs up !

I intend to build a 8 inch RMH. To gain more knowledge, my question : is it worth buying : 'Bonny Convection Bench: Rocket Mass Heater, 8 inch ducting, with air channels over hardwood floor' from the shop
of Enrie and Erica $50 ?

Warm Regards,

11 years ago