Hi Barbara:
My condolences. I had bed bugs last year it took months, seven to be specific, of trying all different types of things to get rid of them. First thing I tried was Diatomacious Earth. I did not do the trick. I had the exterminator come in, and he could not find them. However, he gave me some very useful information. I finally got rid of them by taking all, I really do mean all, of my furniture out of the house and letting it set in the hot sun for a week, what I could cover with black plastic I did so that I could use it as a solar black heat absorber, to heat up the temperature of the furniture, even more. I put all of my clothes hampers everything out of the house. I then sprayed with some natural stuff for bed bugs. They can get into the electrical wires and go through the house. I refused to throw our my expensive mattress and box spring, so I encased them in a bed bug cover, which need to stay on over a year - the suckers are cannibals and can stay alive for a year in a closed environment. Even with all of this I still had bites - What helped the most was I used a thick track of petroleum jelly all around the bottom of the bed posts, all around the bottom of the night stands, around the electrical sockets and anywhere else I thought they my be living. The petroleum jelly was the thing that worked. They crawl into in and cant get out. My exterminator also told me when I go on any trip leave my suitcase outside for a few days before bringing it and it's contents into the house. Somehow the bed bugs have a problem with exposure. FYI - I got the bed bugs from a $400.00 a night fancy hotel in Pittsburg. Now I travel with a large plastic bag to keep my luggage in while I am in a hotel, or other room. Another trick is to keep you luggage in the bathtub. Write me back if I can help you in any other way. One last ditch effort I was going to try was getting ants into the area, they are a natural enemy of bed bugs. Thank gosh the petroleum jelly worked before I tried the ant trick.