Jamey Sturgill

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since Sep 14, 2013
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Recent posts by Jamey Sturgill

Please forgive me in if I missed this question somewhere. I am attempting to use a 4 foot riser for a 6" system but I was hoping to use a smaller barrel. Do I simply build the cob up around the riser and have the exhaust come out higher than usual?
3 years ago
It is a sad day on my small farm as one of my saanen goats has died. I only had two. We gave up on milking goats because no one liked the 'flavor' of the milk. So we bought a cow last June. If I had a goat die, should I be worried about my cow? What should I do if I should be. I have had cows before but on a bigger piece of property. Currently I have this cow on one acre.

10 years ago
Hello friends,

I have dreamed of a nice permaculture farm for several years now. I listen to the permies podcasts etc. but now I have my 7 acres and I need help with where to start. It is an old corn field in Delaware. I have a milk cow and a couple milk goats.

What do I do with an old corn field? It is dead now and has corn stalks throughout. Family say disc it and plant grass seed but it is quite expensive and doesn't seem permaculture-like.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

10 years ago

How much can a 55 gallon drum lid take? How hot? How long?

Also, when used the j tube I has smoke back so I switched to a L pattern and I can burn bigger pieces now without smoke back. Is this because my draft was lacking?

11 years ago
Did you find anyone for a Catholic community? My wife and I are interested at least.
11 years ago