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Ray Moses

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since Jan 10, 2014
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It's one of the fastest growing trees in my neck of the woods and I can tell you That once you start cutting ithe stand spreads rapidly through rhizomes it's like giving it fertilizer you'll have a 10 foot tall tree in a year from a root sprouts probably takes five or six years to get anything That you can cut at least for fence post and small diameter firewood.  It ranks right up there with Osage oranges being one of the hottest burning high BTU firewood and is very rot resistant I use it for fence post all the time over any other species.
7 years ago
Yes shelterbelts and wind brakes make sense.  I think nut pines are mainly gathered in parts of the world where there is really cheap manual labor I don't believe that there is a lot of mechanization in that industry  and I don't think the trees produce an annual crop so that probably is the reason why pine nuts are so expensive per pound.
7 years ago
I really don't see any other way you can do it if you don't own the property. Additionally, those species you mentioned are not really worth anything commercially. The nut pines could be worth something if you can get them to produce but as of yet I don't know anyone that ever got a crop off them. I have talked to growers who have planted thousands of those but they mostly all died, are very slow growing. Honey Locust has almost no commercial value and does not make forage grow enough to offset the expense of planting and maintaining them, most silvo pasture is done in the Southeast with pecans trees because of the value of the timber and nuts and also there is a fair amount done with black walnut trees.. So maybe considering some other tree species might also be important, especially something that has been shown to work.
7 years ago
I agree with serviceberry out of those named. I grow some and they are great tasting, just make sure you don't buy a ornamental type variety like was mentioned earlier, some types are dry and have no taste.
7 years ago
Taking a shot here since can't see anything but look up Hackberry.
7 years ago
Glad to hear you are going to be ok. Had a similar situation with a downed tree on a fence but I did not risk it.
7 years ago
I agree with the other posters, I am also in Southeast Michigan and there are much better trees you could plant. Wild Black Cherry around here is pretty short lived and disease prone. The fruit is pretty bitter and mostly all pit.
7 years ago
Bleeding gums most likley has nothing to do with tooth paste but that you are getting lots of inflamation from bacteria in between your teeth. I don't use tooth paste, I use water and sometimes baking soda when I want to freshen my breath. My girl friend uses that Uncle Toms and it is strong stuff, numbs my mouth.
7 years ago
How do you figure that pest of apple trees were not around 200 years ago?
7 years ago