Ken Casler

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since Mar 14, 2014
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No time to write a full bio right now.  Here is what I have on the WWoof site, and a link to last Summer's activities:

Antelope Mountain Enterprises is also known as BOUNTIFUL ADVENTURES
We are an aspiring eco community and permaculture demonstration site.
We have 25 acres, mostly wooded and bordered on two sides by National Forest, and an adjoining 10 acres designated as a permaculture restoration site – (it has been abused)
We are looking for a couple willing to stay at least a season, longer is better, maybe a lifetime oppertunity. There is a year round creek running through the property. The water for the garden and drinking is pure delicious spring water.
The Garden has been fallow for more than 15 years and is ready to be reborn. There is a small green house, a fenced garden and great energy up our little valley.
Recently we built a two story 20 ft tapered wall yurt, it’s intended use is as a bunkhouse, community kitchen, bath house and sauna. There’s lot’s of work to be done on this structure yet, but the walls and roof are up.
There are several sustainable building projects on the (proverbial) drawing board. Treehouse, tiny houses, trails, fences and an alternative water system to be maintained.
Nearby is Lake Pend Orielle, the Clark Fork River and many miles of wilderness.
A vehicle is not mandatory but the nearest town is 2 miles away.
It is mandatory that we live as a family. Share some meals, conversation, music, work and play.
Work for four hours a day and your food and lodging are covered.
Hablo poco Espanol
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North Idaho, West Montana
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This is more than a volunteer opportunity, it is an open door for a lifestyle change. The correct person will have a place to live, a small community to interact with, ample areas to hone homesteading skills. (Gardening, water supplies, hydro electric, tree house construction, mechanics (welding, repair, design and fabrication), rocket stove construction - on and on and on.  Limitless possibilities. Currently we are interviewing potential live in interns who are capable of supporting themselves while diving into the homesteading lifestyle.
Message me with an introduction including your current skills and living situation and your future aspirations.
5 years ago

Judith Browning wrote:Just 'bought' it with a piece of pie!
The file loaded quickly and looks great, although I haven't browsed through the whole thing yet.

Thank you very much!

Worked fine for me on PAYPAL,
7 years ago
Hello friends, I am listed on the wwoof site, however I am looking for students, interns and teachers with a wider scope than just organic farming.  We do have a small garden operation with vermiculture products, however the focus now is building the infrastructure for a Permaculture Center.  You may have graduated from a PDC or you may be an experienced gardener but if your next step is learning building skills of the sustainable living variety this opportunity may be for you. Our property is located on 25 acres, bordered on two sides by forest service land and has a year round creek running through it.  More information here: Information and contact info

If this piques your interest get in touch
Hi Friends,

I posted the text below a while ago. I think one of the farms has obtained the help they are seeking but there are still opportunities for folks who want to live and learn.

At the Clark Fork River Delta, where it drains into the magnificent Lake Pend Oreille you will find a little town that defies description. (Part redneck, part back to Earthers, a bunch of artists and craftspeople and an abundance of Natural Beauty and Wilderness.) If you are interested in long term woofing and/or homesteading opportunities in the Pacific Northwest and have references or past experience in this lifestyle contact me.

We prefer folks who have farm trade experience and I personally am looking for folks interested in alternative building and community building skills but it is all about trading and learning new skills, don't be shy.

contact me for more information: Ken Casler

~~~Be in touch~~~
~~Be part of the Solution~~
8 years ago
More later, but for now here is the basic information. Please feel free to call or text with Questions.

Back by popular demand
Rocket Mass Heater Workshop Taught by Sjang van Daal
2-day course
with hands-on training July 25-26, 2015 Bountiful Adventures Permaculture Center in the mystical land of Clark’s Forkia, ID
The rocket stove or rocket mass heater is a very efficient, clean and cheap way to heat your house. In this workshop you will learn to build one yourself.
Sjang van Daal has a Masters degree in engineering and teaches individuals and communities from all over the world to safely build rocket mass heaters as an alternative to the traditional wood stove.
Cost:$195, including two lunches (Breakfast and Dinner will be communal meals.)
Accommodations: Free camping, Motel 2 miles away. Participants may arrive Friday afternoon and set up
Registration is limited. For more information contact Ken at 208-550-3134 or Bountiful Adventures, Clark Fork ID 83811

9 years ago
It downloaded fine (starts on chapter 4, is that what you intended??)
Hi Friends,

I posted the text below about a month ago. I think one of the farms has obtained the help they are seeking but there are still opportunities for folks who want to live and learn.

At the Clark Fork River Delta, where it drains into the magnificent Lake Pend Oreille you will find a little town that defies description. (Part redneck, part back to Earthers, a bunch of artists and craftspeople and an abundance of Natural Beauty and Wilderness.) If you are interested in long term (maybe lifetime) woofing and homesteading opportunities in the Pacific Northwest and have references or past experience in this lifestyle contact me.

We prefer folks who have farm trade experience but it is all about trading and learning new skills, don't be shy.

contact me for more information: Ken Casler
9 years ago
There are three farms and one permaculture demonstration site looking for live in (long term) interns. This is in the Panhandle of Idaho - beautiful county! Post here or write me direct for more information Kennycasler is the e-mail at gmail.
Hi Miles,

Thank you for the "welcome" I have been part of this forum for ages (in spirit) It is good to be connecting with folks personally now.

Apparently you need to be registered on the WWOOF site to view farms. You can learn a bit more about me on one of my websites We are in Clark Fork, Idaho and if you contact me via personal e-mail I will connect you with the other farmers. Here is link to a project begun last Spring: Yurt workshops wrap up

Thanks for your interest.

10 years ago
At the Clark Fork River Delta, where it drains into the magnificent Lake Pend Oreille you will find a little town that defies description. (Part redneck, part back to Earthers, a bunch of artists and craftspeople and an abundance of Natural Beauty and Wilderness. If you are interested in long term (maybe lifetime) woofing and homesteading opportunities in the Pacific Northwest and have references or past experience in this lifestyle contact me.

We prefer folks who have farm trade experience but it is all about trading and learning new skills, don't be shy.

If you are a Woofer look me up on the site and then check out the farms nearby:

Or contact me directly and we can go from there,

10 years ago