Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Dave Lodge

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since Jul 04, 2014
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Seed balls will work, but you might need to make them larger to have enough soil above the wood chips. The seeds germinate in the seed ball soil and roots go down to find the soil under the wood chips. Need consistant moisture to germinate, so the balls allow this. Fukuoka is seeding into straw/clover on top of soil so any size balls will work.

In the picture, he has compost or some soil medium on top of cardboard, which would work if you add compost or top soil on top of wood chips and seed into it.
10 years ago
Buckthorn bark at that age looks like Black Cherry.
10 years ago
Would say its Buckthorn.
10 years ago
Looks like glossy buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula)
10 years ago
First one might be foamflower Tiarella cordifolia

Second one looks like Spotted Spurge Euphorbia maculata
10 years ago
Mad Dog Skullcap

In a small-scale double blind, placebo-controlled study, blue skullcap had anxiety-reducing effects in 19 volunteers.[5] S. lateriflora, along with reducing anxiety, significantly enhanced global mood without a reduction in energy or cognition,[6]

10 years ago
They have seeds and plants

Will spread by rhizomes when planted, so a little goes a long way. Also heavy feeders if you harvest the grass. I haven't harvested it yet, but smells great when it gets really hot out. I also pick sprigs of grass and put it in my pocket.
10 years ago
Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia). This is a cultivar with the pink flowers. Very nice clove scented flowers.

It isn't invasive and is native to the east coast where it grows in wet to moist/mesic conditions.
10 years ago
After the fire comes, plant annual crops right on the burned ground. They are designed to take advantage of disturbed areas.

When fire happens in the growing period, everything is reset back to disturbed ground, and can be reseeded with annuals immediately when appropriate.
10 years ago